Activity Centre Cäpsä is located in Käpylä by good transport connections. Our facilities are accessible and we have roughly 40 places for clients. Our activities consist of group-based work activities.
At Cäpsä, you will get to practise working life skills under four themes: basic life management skills, basic working life skills, culture and media, and manual skills.
We will create a work and day activity plan with you, in accordance with which you will take part in the theme groups' activities and receive support for achieving your personal goals.
Contact information
Unit manager: Aino Jussila, +358 9 310 52705
Instructors: +358 9 310 69120
Email: vammaistyo.capsa@hel.fi
Contact information
Valid for the time being:
– Mon-Fri 8.00-16.00
How long do the work activities last?
The duration of the work activities will depend on your resources and goals. We will also tailor the number and duration of the activity days to suit your needs.
How will the work activities affect my income? ´
Attending the work activities is free of charge, but a fee is collected for meals. The activity centre will pay for your commuting. If you use public transport, you will be given an HSL travel card. If you need transport services, the activity centre will pay for them.
No salary is paid for the work activities of activity centres.
Can I influence the programme of the work activities?
For your work activities, we will chart your personal goals with you and create a programme for you.
At Cäpsä, we practise working life skills, which we have divided into different themes as follows: basic life management skills, basic working life skills, culture and media, and manual skills. We will practise these areas in small groups in accordance with your own needs and interests.
The theme of basic life management skills covers aspects such as:
- taking care of personal hygiene
- adhering to schedules
- following a good exercise, eating and sleep rhythm
- social skills.
The theme of basic working life skills covers aspects such as:
- adhering to working hours
- following instructions related to work tasks and working with care
- getting acquainted with various work tasks and workplaces.
The theme of culture and media covers aspects such as:
- band activities
- self-expression
- practising social media
- reading and watching movies
- getting acquainted with different cultures.
The theme of manual skills covers aspects such as:
- yard work
- various handicrafts
- kitchen work.
What is everyday life at Cäpsä like in practice?
Cäpsä operates on weekdays at 8.00–16.00. Your personal day programme will begin after a morning info assembly. We have lunch together at around 11.00. You will get to take part in preparing and serving the lunch. After lunch, we will return to our groups.
We have a coffee break at around 13.30, after which we will assemble before the work activities end to discuss the events of the day.
We have nine instructors present every day. The instructors will take care of creating a day programme and the achievement of your goals.
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The route to the main entrance
- The pick-up and drop-off area is located in the vicinity of the entrance, giving easy access to the pavement.
- The route to the entrance is smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.
The main entrance
- The entrance stands out clearly and is illuminated. There is a canopy above the entrance.
- The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly and the glass doors have contrast markings. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door requires the use of a buzzer, opening easily manually.
In the facility
- The customer service point has three floors.
- For moving around, there is a lift, which can hold a wheelchair; the door opens automatically. The floor numbers in the lift can be felt with fingers. (The minimum dimensions for an accessible lift are width 1.1 m and depth 1.4 m.)
- The facility has a wheelchair lift.
- The doors in the facility stand out clearly.
- The facility has an accessible toilet on the entrance floor.
- There is a second accessible toilet on floor 2.
- There is a third accessible toilet on floor 0.