Our information service is congested. If you have already submitted a request for information concerning client and patient data, please do not send another request with the same content. We apologize for the inconvenience and any inconvenience caused. We will try to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

Requesting client data

You have the right to know what information has been recorded about you by social services and healthcare professionals and how your information has been used. You can also request rectification of incorrect information.

On this page

Request your personal information

You have the right to access information concerning you. This right is based on the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Finnish Act on the Openness of Government Activities.

You can ask to see your personal data that is processed by the City of Helsinki. Personal data covers such things as patient data. Please use the online form to submit your data request. You can request your personal data in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation or Act on the Openness of Government Activities.

Log in on the electronic form with your online banking credentials, a mobile certificate or a certificate card. When filling in the form, please describe in detail the data you are requesting and specify both the period and the specific service of the Social Services and Health Care Division on which you are requesting data. A detailed description makes your request easier to process. 

Submit a subject access request (according to the EU's General Data Protection Regulation)(Link leads to external service)

Submit a data request for your personal data (according to the Act on the Openness of Government Activities)(Link leads to external service)

Please note! The form Request for access to personal data (under the Act on the Openness of Government Activities) is currently being updated and is not available at the moment. We apologise for the inconvenience. The form Request for access to personal data (under the EU General Data Protection Regulation) is available as usual.

Alternatively, you can fill in and print out the form and take it to the City of Helsinki Registrar’s Office or any location of the Social Services and Health Care Division. You are required to verify your identity when submitting the form. 

Fill in and print out the Request to access personal data form (pdf)

You have the right to know who has processed your personal data and to whom it has been disclosed. You can also request an explanation as to why your data has been used. 

Log data is available for the previous two years. You are not entitled to access log data older than two years without providing specific grounds. 

To use the online form, log in on the electronic form with your online banking credentials, a mobile certificate or a certificate card. When filling in the form, please closely specify the period and the specific service of the Social Services and Health Care Division on which you are requesting log data. 

Submit a log data request (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Alternatively, you can fill in and print out the form and take it to the City of Helsinki Registrar’s Office or any location of the Social Services and Health Care Division. You are required to verify your identity when submitting the form. 

Fill in and print out the Log data request form (PDF)

Social services and healthcare professionals are obligated to record certain data related to the service. You may request rectification of your personal data if there is an error in the data or the data has been recorded inaccurately. 

Log in on the electronic form with your online banking credentials, a mobile certificate or a certificate card. When filling in the form, please describe in detail which piece of data you would like to rectify and how. For example, you can attach a screenshot of the data in question to your demand for rectification. 

Submit a demand for rectification of personal data(Link leads to external service)

Alternatively, you can fill in and print out the form and take it to the City of Helsinki Registrar’s Office or any location of the Social Services and Health Care Division. You are required to verify your identity when submitting the form. 

Fill in and print out the Demand for rectification of personal data form (PDF)

Request data on another person's behalf

You can request data on another person if you are their parent, guardian or authorised representative. If you are requesting information as a person acting on someone’s behalf, please attach a power of attorney, guardianship decision or continuing power of attorney.  Minors may prohibit the disclosure of information to their guardians if, according to the assessment of a healthcare or social welfare professional, they are able and willing to make a decision on the matter.

You can request personal data processed by the City of Helsinki. Please use the online form to submit your data request. 

Log in on the electronic form with your online banking credentials, a mobile certificate or a certificate card. When filling in the form, please describe in detail the data you are requesting and specify both the period and the specific service of the Social Services and Health Care Division on which you are requesting data. A detailed description makes your request easier to process. 

Submit a subject access request(Link leads to external service)

Alternatively, you can fill in and print out the form and take it to the City of Helsinki Registrar’s Office or any location of the Social Services and Health Care Division. You are required to verify your identity when submitting the form. 

Fill in and print out the Request to access personal data form (PDF)

If you are another person’s parent, guardian or authorised representative, you may request information on who has accessed the personal data of the person concerned and to whom their personal data has been disclosed. You may also request information on the purposes for which their personal data has been used.  

Log data is available for the previous two years. You are not entitled to access log data older than two years without providing specific grounds. 

To use the online form, log in on the electronic form with your online banking credentials, a mobile certificate or a certificate card. When filling in the form, please closely specify the period and the specific service of the Social Services and Health Care Division on which you are requesting log data. 

In the section ‘Other pertinent information’, write down the full name and personal identity code of the person whose log data you are requesting. If necessary, attach a power of attorney to the form.

Submit a log data request (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Alternatively, you can fill in and print out the form and take it to the City of Helsinki Registrar’s Office or any location of the Social Services and Health Care Division. You are required to verify your identity when submitting the form. 

Fill in and print out the Log data request form (PDF)

Social services and healthcare professionals are obligated to record certain data. If you notice an error in the personal data of another person, you may request rectification of the error if you are the parent, guardian or authorised representative of the person concerned. You may only request rectification if there is an error in the data or the data has been recorded inaccurately. 

Log in on the electronic form with your online banking credentials, a mobile certificate or a certificate card. When filling in the form, please describe in detail which piece of data you would like to rectify and how. For example, you can attach a screenshot of the data in question to your demand for rectification. 

Submit a demand for rectification of personal data(Link leads to external service)

Alternatively, you can fill in and print out the form and take it to the City of Helsinki Registrar’s Office or any location of the Social Services and Health Care Division. You are required to verify your identity when submitting the form. 

Fill in and print out the Demand for rectification of personal data form (PDF)

You may request data concerning healthcare and medical care provided to a deceased person while they were still alive if you require such data on account of your important interests or to determine or exercise your rights. Examples of such situations include the need to identify hereditary diseases or determine the legal capacity of a patient or whether medical malpractice has occurred in their treatment. 

When requesting data about a deceased person, you must explain why you need access to the data. If necessary, you must present an account of your family relationship with the deceased or an authorisation provided by the estate. Your right to receive information about a deceased person is assessed on a case-by-case basis. 

To use the online form, log in on the electronic form with your online banking credentials, a mobile certificate or a certificate card. When filling in the form, please closely specify the services to which your request pertains, as well as the treatment facility or period concerned. Also specify the purpose for which you require the data. 

Submit an application to disclose information concerning a deceased person (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)

Alternatively, you can fill in and print out the form and take it to the City of Helsinki Registrar’s Office or any location of the Social Services and Health Care Division. You are required to verify your identity when submitting the form. 

Fill in and print out the form Application to disclose information concerning a deceased person (PDF)

You can request information as an interested party. An applicant, appellant or any other person whose right, interest or obligation is concerned in a case (a concerned party) has the right to receive information from the authority that is considering or which has already considered the case about the contents of a document which is not in the public domain and which may influence or may have influenced the consideration of their case.

When you make a request for information as a concerned party, you must justify your position as a concerned party. Your right to receive information as a concerned party is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Log in to the electronic form with your online banking credentials, Mobile ID or a certification card. Be prepared to specify on the form the exact information you are requesting, which services of the Social Services you need it from, which Health Care Division and for which time period. You also need to state why you need the information.

Submit a request for information as an interested party(Link leads to external service)

You can also find this page at hel.fi/client-data.