If you need support for the challenges of parenting or to manage the stress of everyday life, you can seek help from social counselling, social guidance, home services, the family counselling clinic or couples therapy. Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Contact us if there is a significantly stressful situation in your family due to, for example, substance abuse, your child’s symptoms, or your family’s difficult financial situation. We can enrol you in family social work or child welfare services.
Family social work services include family work, peer group activities, support person activities, support family activities and temporary care. You can be directed to the services through child welfare and the assessment for the need of special support.
We support children’s development through speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. We can also help if your child has neuropsychiatric symptoms or developmental issues.
If you are concerned or frightened by your own behaviour or that of a family member, please do not hesitate to come to us for help.
If you are considering splitting up with your partner or are wondering how to make life together easier, don’t hesitate to seek help. We can offer you many types of support in your difficult situation.