Landbo Activity Centre is located in eastern Helsinki, in the former Sipoo area. Our clients are Helsinki residents over the age of 18 who have completed their comprehensive education. Our facilities are accessible and located on one floor.
We utilise speech-supporting methods in our activities, such as image communication, simple sign language and body language. Our clients may have personal speech or communication devices.
Our operations have two areas of focus: creative activities and nature-oriented activities. In our creative activities, we utilise primarily recycled or surplus materials.
Our nature-oriented activities utilise the surrounding nature and our own yard featuring useful plants, among other things. The goal of our nature-oriented activities is to maintain wellbeing and functional capacity.
We have two home groups, 'Kuusi' and 'Kallio'. During the week, our clients participate diversely in different groups, enjoy outdoor activities and can hang out at the activity centre with their friends.
Our clients use transport services between home and the activity centre. We are located right next to a public transport stop, from where a bus operates between Itäkeskus and Landbo. When heading out for a trip, we take the bus if needed - unless we use a private vehicle of the disability services department. We also have plenty of trips in the local nature.
Contact information
Unit manager: Anne Ranki, +358 9 310 38674, anne.ranki@hel.fi
Staff, 'Kallio' group (7.30-16.00): +358 9 310 21842
Staff, 'Kuusi' group (7.30-16.00): +358 9 310 21461
Kitchen: +358 9 310 21691
Communication instructor: +358 9 310 21704
Occupational therapist: +358 9 310 21679
Contact information

How long do the day activities last?
The duration of the day activities will depend on your resources and goals. We will also tailor the number and duration of the activity days to suit your needs.
How much do the day activities cost?
The day activities are free of charge, but a fee is collected for meals. The activity centre will pay for your travel. If you use public transport, you will be given an HSL travel card. If you need transport services, the activity centre will pay for them.
What kinds of activities does Landbo Activity Centre provide?
Landbo Activity Centre operates on weekdays at 7.30–16.00. The majority of our clients arrive at around nine in the morning. We first hold a morning info assembly in the groups, after which you will get to participate in the groups’ activities. We have groups such as a path roamers group, a life history group, a sensory group, a nature group, a creative activity group and a ‘Lampun limppu’ baking group.
We write and illustrate daily calendars with those who want to so that their families can keep up with our activities.
We have lunch roughly at 11.00. After lunch, we take a break. After the break, the groups resume their activities.
We provide afternoon activities at 14.00–15.00 in either the ‘Kallio’ or the ‘Kuusi’ group.
We will determine the duration and number of your activity days in accordance with your individual needs and situation.
Iloagentti (‘Joy agent’) activities are a concept developed by two instructors of Landbo based on the foundation of Itsemääräämisoikeus (‘right of self-determination’), Luovuus (‘creativity’), Osallisuus (‘participation’) and Aktiivisuus (‘activity’), i.e. ILOAgentti.
The aim of these activities is to use creativity to strengthen our clients’ right of self-determination, participation and activity while also producing joy or doing good things in their own community or neighbourhood and society at large.
In the everyday operations of our activity centre, Iloagentti activities mean activities tailored to our clients. Our instructors serve as facilitators of ideas and wishes. Every client has knowledge, skills and know-how that can be shared for the joy of the entire activity centre with individually planned support.
Can I influence the programme of the day activities?
For the day activities, we will chart your personal goals together with you and people important to you and evaluate them on a regular basis.
Our weekly programme is influenced by the season and our clients’ wishes and functional capacity. We hold a monthly client panel in which our clients take part in planning our activities. We are always willing to hear our clients’ suggestions regarding interesting activities and events.
The staff of Landbo Activity Centre consists of 11 people. We have two instructors with a university of applied sciences degree, seven practical nurses/instructors, a communication instructor and an occupational therapist.
Close to nature
We are located close to nature and forests. We have a large yard in which our clients with reduced mobility are taken into account. Landbo Activity Centre was founded in August 2022. The facilities were formerly used by a daycare centre.
We have parking spaces for cars in our yard area.
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The route to the main entrance
- The over 10 accessible parking spaces are located outdoors over 10 m from the entrance. The width of the parking spaces is less than 3.6 m.
- The pick-up and drop-off area is located in the vicinity of the entrance, giving easy access to the pavement.
- The route to the entrance is smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.
- The passage has at least 4 steps, with handrails on both sides.
- The route has a ramp over 6 m long with an intermediate landing, with handrails on both sides.
The main entrance
- The entrance stands out clearly and is illuminated. There is a canopy above the entrance.
- In connection with the entrance, there are at least 4 steps, with handrails on both sides.
- The entrance has a ramp over 6 m long with an intermediate landing, with handrails on both sides.
- The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door opens easily manually.
The entrance ""
- The main entrance parking spaces may be used for this entrance as well. The distance from the parking spaces to the entrance is under 10 m.
- The pick-up and drop-off area is located in the vicinity of the entrance, giving easy access to the pavement.
- The route to the entrance is smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.
- The entrance stands out clearly and is illuminated. There is a canopy above the entrance.
- In connection with the entrance, there are at least 4 steps, with handrails on both sides.
- The entrance has a ramp under 6 m long, with handrails on left side when going up.
- The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door opens easily manually.
- The customer service point is located on the same floor as this entrance.
In the facility
- The customer service point is located on the entrance floor.
- The doors in the facility are hard to perceive.
- The facility has an accessible toilet.