Applying for transport services
If using public transport causes you unreasonable difficulties due to your disability or illness, you can apply for mobility support. This might be for instance transport services, i.e. the right to use a taxi or taxi for people with disabilities for your commute to work or school as well as for running errands and leisure time trips.
Explore transport services
You can read about the transport services on our website.
Go to the Transport Services page
If necessary, you can obtain more information about the transport services by calling a transport service social instructor for Services for People with Disabilities in your area of residence.
See the contact information for the transport service social instructors
Fill in the transport service application form
Fill in the form below.
Download the transport service application form (PDF)
As you are applying for transport services based on your illness or disability, tick under “Applied services” the option “Transport service pursuant to the Disability Services Act”.
You will need an up-to-date medical certificate concerning your need for transport services to accompany your application. You can ask for one from a doctor at your local health station. In the certificate, the doctor assesses how and to what extent your disability or illness impairs your use of public transport.
Print out the medical certificate form for the transport service needs assessment (PDF)
Please attach certificates of your studies or employment to your application if you are applying for related transport services.
For trips to and from your school, you can get a certificate of attendance from your educational institute’s student affairs office. We grant school trips for a maximum of one academic year at a time.
A copy of your employment agreement is a valid attachment for your commuting application. We grant commute trips for the duration of the employment or for a maximum of two years at a time.
If you later need an extension to the transport service for work or studies, please submit a new application with new certificates of studies or work to a transport service social instructor in good time. It is advisable to submit the application no later than 1 to 2 months before the end of your fixed-term service.
If you need help in filling in the application, you can contact Counselling for People with Disabilities.
See the contact information for Counselling for People with Disabilities
Deliver the application to a service point in your area of residence
Print out the transport service application you have filled in and sign it.
Send or deliver the filled-in and signed application together with the required attachments to a service point of Services for People with Disabilities in your residential area.
See the contact information for the transport service social instructors and service points
Wait for the decision
The transport service social instructor will process your application within three months of its arrival. We will post the decision to your home address.
If you receive a negative decision and are dissatisfied with it, you can appeal against it to the City of Helsinki Social Services and Health Care Committee.
You can find the appeal instructions attached to the decision. They are also available on our website.
The travel card will arrive in the post after a positive decision
If you received a positive decision, you will receive a transport service payment card. The payment card for paying for transport service trips will arrive in the post within two weeks.
If the card does not arrive within two weeks of receiving a positive decision, contact a disability services office secretary.
The office secretary is available Mon–Fri 8.15–16.00 at +358 9 310 23100(Link starts a phone call) .
You can order transport from Helsinki Transport Service (Helsingin Matkapalvelu). Your information and special needs have been provided to the customer service staff.
See the contact information for Helsinki Transport Service(Link leads to external service)
Applying for informal care support
If you want your family member or a loved one to be responsible for your care at home, you can apply for informal care support. Your informal caregiver is entitled to the caregiver’s fee and statutory leave days, during which you are provided care by someone else either at home or at a care facility.
Read about informal care support and make an assessment of your informal care situation
Before applying for informal care support with your loved one, read about it on our website.
Go to the Informal Care Support page
If you wish, you can assess your informal care situation in the Omaolo service.
Assess your informal care situation in Omaolo (in Finnish)(Link leads to external service)
Fill in the informal care support application form
Fill in the application form for informal care support.
Download the application form for informal care support (PDF)
The application must be accompanied by a medical statement C or another statement by a health care professional, which has been dated less than one year ago. The statement contains a doctor’s assessment of your state of health and functional capacity.
Deliver the application to a service point in your area of residence
Print out the filled in informal care support application and make sure to sign it!
Send the filled-in and signed application together with the required attachments to a service point of Services for People with Disabilities in your residential area.
See the contact information for the informal care social instructors and service points
Make an appointment with a social instructor to prepare your service plan
After receiving the application for informal care support, a social instructor will contact you and visit your home to prepare a service plan together with you and the person you are caring for.
Wait for the decision
The social instructor of informal care support makes a decision on the granting of informal care support. The decision will be posted to your home.
If you receive a negative decision and are dissatisfied with it, you can appeal against it to the City of Helsinki Social Services and Health Care Committee.
Applying for other disability services and support
You can use the disability service application form to apply for the services and support measures listed below. You can apply for several services using the same form.
- Apartment modifications and devices and equipment included in an apartment: Apartment modifications include widening doorways, removing thresholds, building ramps and removing permanent fixtures. Devices and equipment included permanently in an apartment include lifting devices, stairlifts, alarm systems for persons with a hearing impairment and electric opening systems for entrance doors.
- A device, machine or equipment needed in daily activities: Devices that support your daily activities, such as getting around and communication, can include a car, car accessory, bike or a household appliance.
- Personal assistance: Personal assistance helps you to live your life as you see fit and to make your own choices. You can either hire a personal assistant or purchase assistance as a service.
- Support person: A support person can help you in recreational activities or in enjoying your leisure time.
- Special care programme and related services: All the services that are granted to you on the basis of the Developmental Disabilities Act are recorded in the special care programme.
- Financial support for clothing: If you are unable to wear ready-made clothes due to your disability or illness, you can receive financial support for having your clothes made or modified for you.
- Day or work activities: The aim of work and day activities is to provide you with meaningful activities. Day activities that support your functional capacity are offered at activity centres. Work activities also include job coaching and career planning.
- Service housing/housing service: Housing services can be arranged in a separate apartment, housing group, group home or family care.
- Adjustment training: Adjustment training can include guidance, coaching, communication training or a trial period of independent living.
- Temporary care: We provide temporary care, for example during your informal caregiver’s days off. Your care can take place, for example in a housing unit or in family care.
Read more about disability services
If you are not yet a client of Services for People with Disabilities, read about the disability services in the Disability Services Guidebook and consider what kind of help or support you need.
Download the Disability Services Guidebook (PDF)
You can use a weekly schedule made available for assessing your needs for help. When you fill in the schedule for a week, it is easier for you to see which things you can manage on your own and which are difficult for you to manage on your own. You can fill in the schedule together with your loved ones.
Download the weekly schedule for assessment of the need for help (PDF in Finnish)
Fill in the disability service application form or apply for services through Maisa
You can submit the disability service application form either electronically in the Maisa service or on paper.
Using the Maisa service requires strong authentication. The disability service application can be found under Menu in section “Social Services”.
Go to Maisa(Link leads to external service)
Please note that you cannot send attachments through Maisa. Attachments must be sent separately by post.
You can also download the disability service application form below and fill it in.
Download the disability service application (PDF in Finnish)
If necessary, you can also request the application from Counselling for People with Disabilities. You can also contact the counselling service if you need help in filling in the application.
See the contact information for Counselling for People with Disabilities
In the case of your first disability service application, you must attach medical statement B or C or another opinion by a health care professional, which has been dated less than one year ago and describes your functional capacity. Some of the services also require other expert statements.
Deliver the application to a service point in your area of residence
Send or deliver the filled-in and signed disability service application to a unit of Services for People with Disabilities in your area of residence.
See the contact information for the social workers and service points
Make an appointment with a social worker to prepare your service plan
Within a week of receiving the application, you will be sent a notification of receipt of the application and a request for further clarifications, if necessary. At the same time, you will be sent the contact information of your designated social worker. They will contact you and assess your service needs together with you.
Make an appointment with your social worker to prepare your service need assessment.
Wait for the decision
Your application will take up to three months to process. The decision will be posted to your home address.
If you have applied for several services in the same application, you may receive a negative decision for some and a positive decision for others.
If you received a negative decision and are dissatisfied with it, you can appeal against it to the City of Helsinki Social Services and Health Care Committee.
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