Occupational therapy

An occupational therapist evaluates your functional capacity and need for rehabilitation.

The occupational therapist of the Disability Outpatient Clinic evaluates your functional capacity and need for rehabilitation and takes part in the preparation of your rehabilitation plan, if necessary.

The occupational therapist is here to provide guidance and assistance whenever you require specialised support in activities such as self-care (e.g., dressing, eating), running errands (e.g., shopping), attending school, engaging in work, pursuing meaningful leisure activities, or simply relaxing and managing your time effectively.

In addition, the occupational therapist is responsible for assessing the need for small assistive devices and apartment modifications.

You can access the service through the telephone counselling of the Disability Outpatient Clinic.

Our services are free of charge.

Service point

Disability Outpatient Clinic

Address: Sofianlehdonkatu 8, A-building, 00610 Helsinki