Hermanni Group Home is located in the Hermanni district and has good transport connections, so you can conveniently go practice independent skills outside the group home as well. The services of Kalasatama, such as the health station and Redi Shopping Centre, are located within walking distance from the group home.
The group home shares an apartment building with HOAS student apartments but has its own entrance. We have 12 apartments in our group home, located on three floors.
Our staff are present on weekdays at 6.30-21.30 and at weekends at 7.00-21.30. We do not have nighttime supervision, but you can contact a night nurse if needed.
We have six workers: an instructor for persons with developmental disabilities, a social services specialist and practical nurses.
Contact information:
Unit manager: Tiina Nordin, +358 9 310 73386
Staff: +358 9 310 45033
Email: hermanni.ryhmakoti@hel.fi
Contact information

What is living at Hermanni Group Home like?
The main goals of the instruction we provide are guiding and supporting our residents towards independent life. You will be given responsibility for planning and realising your own life.
The instructors will instruct, support and encourage you in household chores, taking care of yourself, taking care of errands, maintaining and creating social relationships, and finding enjoyable things to do. Cooperation with your loved ones plays an important role.
You will be living in a private rental apartment with 1–2 rooms, a mini kitchen and a bathroom. There is also a shared kitchen in the downstairs of the group home, the instructors’ office on the second floor and a shared lounging area on the third floor. Additionally, there is a sauna on the sixth floor, which you can reserve.
We receive health care services from the Disability Outpatient Clinic and Kalasatama Health Station.
What is everyday life like with us?
On weekdays, some of our residents attend work activities or work outside Hermanni Group Home.
On weekday evenings, the lounging area of the group home is in active use. You and the other residents can talk, play games, do arts and crafts or watch TV there.
We have trips and movie screenings together. We encourage our residents to actively take part in shared activities outside the group home as well. With us, you can take part in planning leisure time activities together with the other residents. We celebrate birthdays and public holidays and hold game and music evenings and arts and crafts sessions. We also hold regular resident meetings.
We have motivated and knowledgeable staff who will take your interests and needs into account. Our aim will be to support you and help you live the kind of life you want and make independent decisions.
Our staff are present on weekdays at 6.30–21.30 and at weekends at 7.00–21.30 to guide you and the other residents in everyday activities.
We do not have staff present at night, but you can contact a night nurse by phone if needed.
Next to the Wholesale Market and Teurastamo
Located in the northeastern inner city, Hermanni was named after the late-19th century baron Herman Standertskjöld-Nordenstam. At the turn of the century, wooden houses were built in the area. Families lived in these houses in cramped conditions and cooked their food on tiled stoves. There are not many of those wooden houses left.
The area received its concrete and brick buildings in the 1950s and 1960s. Today, there is a lot of new construction particularly in Etelä-Hermanni and the nearby former industrial areas.
The Wholesale Market area, which is part of Hermanni, covers not only the cluster of wholesale outlets, but also the Teurastamo area, which features numerous restaurants and a distillery. Other landmarks of the area include the Pääkaupunkiseudun Kierrätyskeskus recycling centre, which operates in a former waste incineration plant, and Helsinki Prison.

The route to the main entrance
- The pick-up and drop-off area is located in the vicinity of the entrance, giving easy access to the pavement.
- The route to the entrance is smooth and sufficiently wide and illuminated.
- The passage has at least 4 steps with handrails on both sides.
- The route has a ramp over 6 m long with an intermediate landing, with handrails on one side.
The main entrance
- The entrance is hard to perceive
- The doors connected to the entrance stand out clearly. Outside the door there is sufficient room for moving e.g. with a wheelchair. The door is heavy or otherwise hard to open.
- The entrance has thresholds over 2 cm high.
In the facility
- The customer service point has three floors.
- For moving around, there is a lift, which can hold a wheelchair that is difficult to perceive; the door opens automatically. The floor numbers in the lift can be felt with fingers. The button for the exit floor stands out from the other buttons. (The minimum dimensions for an accessible lift are width 1.1 m and depth 1.4 m.)
- The facility has thresholds over 2 cm high.
- The indoor walkways have a ramp under 6 m long, with handrails on both sides.
- The doors in the facility stand out clearly. The glass doors have contrast markings.