Dealing with caregiver stress

Being a caregiver can be very challenging, and stress and burnout are common issues. So, it is important for informal caregivers to be able to take care of their own health and wellbeing.

Treasure every free moment 

The support for informal care includes a caregiver's fee and statutory days off. Make sure that you use the days off that you are entitled to. This way, you make time for your own needs and rest.

By using your days off, you are also doing your loved one a favour. After all, temporary care can be good practice for independent life, if it is a possibility in the future. 

Read more about care options during a caregiver’s statutory days off 

If necessary, we can support you by arranging discretionary care for your child in a service housing unit.

Read more about discretionary leave for caregivers 

Keep in mind that even though your loved one has you as their informal caregiver, they can, for example, participate in daytime activities for people with disabilities.

Read more about daytime activities 

Take care of yourself 

A great way to take care of yourself and relieve stress is exercise. As an informal caregiver, you have free access to the City of Helsinki's swimming halls, sports halls, gyms, and outdoor swimming pools.

Peer support can also help reduce caregiver stress. Sometimes it can be easier to share your experiences and feelings with people who are in a similar life situation. For example, the Finnish Red Cross, the association Kehitysvammatuki 57, associations for carers and Kela arrange a wide range of courses, events and discussion events for informal caregivers.

Read more about Kela's rehabilitation course for informal caregivers(Link leads to external service)

You can also apply for supported spa and rehabilitation breaks for informal caregivers.  

See the holiday breaks on offer on the website of Carers Finland(Link leads to external service)

Learn how to let go

It is important that you can tell when you are becoming exhausted and that you know how to ask for the help you need to take care of your loved one and yourself. Remember that it is also possible to stop being a caregiver.

Read more about terminating a caregiver agreement on the website (Link leads to external service)

Moving a loved one to be cared for outside their home can be a heavy process that evokes a wide range of emotions. Omaisena edelleen ry, an association for caregivers whose loved one has moved or is about to move to be cared for outside the home, has prepared a guide to help address the issues brought about by the change.