Short-term housing is intended to support the coping of family members and enable you to practise living outside your home. The objectives for your residential period are set together with you and your nearest.
We offer short-term housing in group homes and in family care. Our adult clients are offered short-term housing in the group homes of Aurinkolahti, Hyvönen and Tilkka and at the short-term unit Mansku. The corresponding services for children are offered in the group homes of Visiitti, Harbo and Isonniitynkatu.
Please note that the short-term units Mansku and Harbo are operating on temporary premises until the end of 2024.
Short-term housing services can also be arranged when your informal caregiver takes days off or in crisis situations.
Short-term care is usually subject to a fee. Apply for the service through a social worker of Services for People with Disabilities in your residential area.
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Telephone counselling for people with disabilities in Finnish
Telephone counselling for people with disabilities in Swedish
Fill in a form
Disability service application form
How do I apply for short-term care?
Temporary care is applied for using the disability service application form.
See the instructions for applying for housing service
If you receive a positive decision, we will select a suitable place of care from the city’s own housing units or family care providers. Alternatively, you can also purchase temporary care with a service voucher.
How can I learn more about the care places?
You can explore the places in the following ways:
- You can find the temporary care places of the City of Helsinki under the header Service Places provided below.
- You can explore the places available with service vouchers by using the service provider search at Select “Helsingin sosiaali-, terveys- ja pelastustoimi” (Helsinki Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services) as the grantor of the service and “Vammaisten henkilöiden harkinnanvarainen kodin ulkopuolella järjestettävä tilapäishoito” (Discretionary temporary care to be provided outside the home to a person with a disability) as the service.