Book a business advisory session

Once you have read the Guide for Becoming an Entrepreneur and completed the Starting a Business Info Event and Business Plan & Calculations Training or if you have questions concerning a new business idea or the development of an existing business, you are welcome to personal business advisory services.

Whether your goal is light entrepreneurship, a business name, a limited company or any other form of business, business advisory services are there for you. Our business advisors have long practical experience in various sectors in the world of business and business counselling. In addition to Finnish and Swedish, business advisory is provided in English, Spanish, Estonian, Russian and Arabic.

Book your business advisory session(Link leads to external service)

Telephone counselling 20 min, Mondays from 13:00–15:00 without an appointment

  • During the call, we will discuss two or three clearly defined questions concerning entrepreneurship. The call can last up to 20 minutes. You can call tel. +358 9 310 36360(Link starts a phone call) , on Mondays from 13:00–15:00. It is not possible to book an appointment for a longer business advisory session during the call.

If you have already started making your business plan and would like to discuss it, please send us the plan and preliminary calculations and  book your business advisory session(Link leads to external service) .

If you would like to send your business plan confidentially via security email, please request it at opens default mail program) . Attach your business plan to the reply email, so we will receive it secured. The connection is protected with TLS encryption. Due to security reasons, the reading of the message is limited, and it can be read for 30 days at most.

  • The advisor will study your business plan in advance and discuss it with you in detail during the meeting. They will challenge and instruct you on how to develop, improve or possibly change it.
  • After any changes have been made, you will have a tool that you can use on your way to becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own business.
  • Please remember that drafting a solid business plan with calculations is a prerequisite for receiving funding.

Book your business advisory session(Link leads to external service)