What benefits does Helsingin tekijät network offer its members?
Network members have access to three top network meetings each year. The meetings consist of expert presentations, exchange of current information, training, workshops and networking opportunities with the diverse network. In addition, several smaller themed and industry-specific meetings are organised for the network each year, such as morning coffee sessions.
In addition, all network members are invited to the annual Helsinki Tourism Seminar, the largest travel industry seminar in Finland.
The network has its own digital workspace, which enables networking, sharing of information and materials of the members , as well as the organisation of workshops. In addition, the workspace contains current analysed tourism statistics and research data.
The network partners are given priority in Helsinki's international B2B sales and marketing initiatives, as well as in the planning of programmes for visits by international tour operators, media personnel and influencers. In addition, the materials for promoting and marketing Helsinki internationally will also be made available for use by the network.
Network members have the possibility to agree a company-specific sparring session with experts from City of Helsinki on a selected topic.
The network has first-hand access to the most up-to-date data from the tourism, events and restaurant sectors as well as the latest statistics and research data on tourism and events. The network partners are offered training and workshops to develop their own operations. The networking activities make it possible for the partners to benefit from peer learning.
The network is given priority in participating and influencing the development measures of tourism and events in Helsinki, for example in utilising new tools, trainings and workshops.
Possibility for brochure visibility at the Tourist Information point and visibility in Tourist Information’s digital channels. In order to promote the ability to give recommendations, the members have the possibility to familiarise the Tourist Information staff with the service/product of their own businesses.
How to become a member in Helsingin tekijät tourism network?
If you want to become part of the Helsinki brand and to make a joint commitment to developing Helsinki as a sustainable and smart tourism destination as well as to contribute to increasing Helsinki's international reputation and image, you are warmly welcome to join our network. The annual fees are as follows:
turnover up to EUR 3 million = EUR 500 per year
turnover over EUR 3 million/regional tourism organisations = EUR 3,500 per year
The current value added tax will be added to the prices.
You can apply for the network membership by contacting our network contact people.
Helsingin tekijät network contact people

Juha Riehunkangas
Expert, network cooperation
+358 40 552 1976(Link starts a phone call)
juha.riehunkangas@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)