100th anniversary of Helsinki child health clinics: share your memories

Child health clinics in Helsinki celebrate their 100th anniversary this year.

What memories and experiences do you have from the clinics over the years?

We invite you to reminisce and share your stories with us. We will be publishing your accounts, or excerpts from them, on the digital channels of Helsinki Social Services and Health Care throughout the anniversary year.

Campaign posters celebrating the anniversary will be posted on the streets of Helsinki this week.

The campaign features photographs of Helsinki residents of different ages accompanied by insightful observations and words of encouragement familiar to many from child health clinic cards. It highlights the history of child health clinics and their essential task in supporting families and enforcing positive experiences of parenthood.

Most Helsinki residents have been clients of child health clinics at one time or another during the past hundred years. The clinics’ staff have seen something wonderful and important in all of us during the first weeks, months, and years of our lives. The staff’s warmth and kindness have guided families on the crucial first steps of their life journey and provided vital support in parenthood.

At best, kind words written on child health clinic cards have often stayed in the hearts and minds of many mothers and fathers and supported their growth into parents.

Survey: Share your child health clinic memories!(Link leads to external service)

Watch video: The 100th anniversary of Helsinki child health clinics(Link leads to external service)