A new way of producing health services in Kannelmäki and the city centre in autumn 2021

A new service provider will produce the services offered at Kannelmäki Health Station starting autumn 2021.
terveysaseman terveydenhoitaja

A new service provider will produce the services offered at Kannelmäki Health Station starting autumn 2021. At the same time, additional services will be acquired in the city centre to complement the current health station services available.

The new health station in Kannelmäki
will provide its clients with the same services as the current health station, starting from autumn. It will treat the same population in the Kannelmäki area.

The unit to be established in the city centre will complement the services of other health stations in the centre, starting this autumn. It will be in charge of some of the health services in the Ruoholahti and Jätkäsaari areas.

The health services acquired for the new stations include standard and urgent appointments with doctors and nurses, direct physiotherapy appointments, the nurse services of mental health and substance abuse work and the related support services.

The clients of the new units are clients of the City of Helsinki’s health services and will therefore receive all the same services the clients of other health stations do. They can also change their health station as any other Helsinki resident can, if they wish.

The client fees in Kannelmäki and the city centre will not change: a health station fee will not be charged to the clients in the future, either, for example.  

The addresses of the new units in Kannelmäki and the city centre have not yet been determined.

We will give the residents of the Kannelmäki and city
centre areas further information about the renewed services well in advance in
summer 2021.

The availability of
care will be improved

The CityCouncil made the decision concerning the renewal on 10 June 2020 (item 158). The new service provider for Kannelmäki and the city centre will be selected through a tendering process during spring 2021. After this, the new service provider will find a suitable business location for their operations along good transport connections. A 4–6-year contract for acquiring health station services will be made as planned.

This renewal in the autumn is one way of improving the availability of non-urgent care and increasing the health station services of Helsinki residents. The additional service provision will also be necessary for shortening the growing treatment queues caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Kannelmäki Health Station was chosen for this experiment because it has long treatment queues and the station’s current building is in a poor condition. The city centre area was included because the demand for health services in the area has grown due to the increased population. 

You can submit feedback
about the renewal at www.hel.fi/feedback.