Are you aware of rental apartments owned by the city of Helsinki? Get to know them on Oikotie.

On top of Heka’s apartments, the city of Helsinki has around a thousand non-subsidized rental apartments around Helsinki. The tenant selection for these apartments does not use urgency levels or wealth limits, and the apartments do not charge a security deposit.
Ulkokuva kohteesta Azorienkuja 1
The city owns non-subsidized rental apartments all over Helsinki. Photo: Jonna Juvonen

The city of Helsinki owns rental apartments all over Helsinki, and you can apply for them through Oikotie. The apartments are generally individual apartments in normal housing companies, for example in Hitas buildings. There are usually several apartments available for applying at any given time.

The rental agreements to these apartments are open-ended and do not include a security deposit. Tenant selection does not use urgency levels or wealth/income limits. The rents are market rate which is why they are slightly higher than in Heka apartments.

You can browse and apply for the apartments on Oikotie.(Link leads to external service) (In Finnish) The advertisements have a link to the application form.

You can find more information and instructions on how to apply on our page Non-subsidized rental apartments .

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