The criteria for awarding the grant are the scientific quality of the research plan, its feasibility and the significance of the research topic for the City of Helsinki.
The City of Helsinki awards grants for research on:
- issues related to urbanisation and its effects,
- issues related to Helsinki’s economy, vitality and/or business conditions,
- organisation and evaluation of services produced or ordered by the City of Helsinki,
- Helsinki’s living environment, wellbeing, history, everyday life, and urban culture,
- issues related to Helsinki’s internationalisation, and/or
- Helsinki’s crisis resilience and preparedness for significant exterior changes.
Applications must include a research plan, CV and, if applicable, references. The City of Helsinki will not consider incomplete applications after the submission deadline. The submission deadline is 7 March 2023 at 23.59.
The application form is available online at City of Helsinki's web page.
Please send the completed application to:
Helsingin kaupunginkirjaamo, Tutkimusapurahat, PL 10, 00099 HELSINGIN KAUPUNKI
Visiting address: City Hall, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13
helsinki.kirjaamo@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)