Comment on the entries to the Helsinki East Urban Centre architectural competition online until mid-August

The entries of the international Helsinki East Urban Centre ideas competition are available for comments online until mid-August.
Havainnekuvia kilpailuehdotuksista.

The competition entries of the second phase of the international Helsinki East Urban Centre ideas competition organised by the City of Helsinki have been completed. The entries are available for comments online until mid-August. The competition jury will take the comments into account in its decision, and the competition will close in the autumn. After the competition, development principles will be drawn up for Itäkeskus and its surroundings, in which the outcome of the competition will be taken into account.

In March, four works were selected for the second phase of the Helsinki East Urban Centre ideas competition: Helsinki East Village, Jalan jaloin, ITIS SITI and Itä-Helsingin Glokaali keskusta. The creators have developed their entries further during the spring, and now the entries are available online.

The entries can be commented on until 16 August at leads to external service) . The website also contains basic information about the project in both English and Finnish.

competition seeks the future direction of Helsinki East Urban Centre

A total of 48 entries were submitted for the first phase of the international Helsinki East Urban Centre ideas competition, four of which continued to the second phase. The results of the competition and the creators of the entries will be published in September–October 2020. The competition jury will take the comments of city residents into account in its decision. When development principles are later drawn up for Itäkeskus and its surroundings, the outcome of the competition will be taken into account in the planning.

The idea of the Helsinki East Urban Centre competition is to take the first steps to transform the most important regional centre of Eastern Helsinki into a centre with an urban look and functions.

The idea is to tie the competition area – the Itäkeskus area and the surroundings of Puotila metro station – into a unified urban centre, the strength of which is the area’s distinctive and multicultural identity.