Construction of the Rusettipuisto daycare and playground building set to begin

The construction of the daycare and playground building named Rusettipuisto is set to begin in Myllypuro in February. The new building will be at Rusettipolku 4 and will house daycare centres Myllytonttu and Puotinharju, as well as playground Mustapuro in the future.
Havainnekuva uudesta päiväkotirakennuksesta.
To the new building will move groups from four different daycare centres in Myllypuro area.

The premises will be built on two floors, and they will have care facilities for around 300 children. The playground facilities are designed for 50 visitors. The outdoor area of the playground will be developed later as a separate project on an adjacent lot.

Completion in summer 2026

Construction will start with excavation, followed by the actual building phase. The aim is for the new facilities to be completed by summer 2026. The new premises will house the Myllytonttu and Puotinharju daycare centres, the Puotinkulma group from the Puotila daycare centre and the shift care unit of the Rastila daycare centre. The daycare centres will continue operating in their current premises until the new building is ready for use.

The construction work on the site will be planned to minimise disruption to the operations of the Itäkeskus Comprehensive School, which is located on the same plot. Measures will also be taken to ensure the safety of pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the surrounding area.

Work at the site will primarily take place on weekdays between 7 and and 18. Noise will be generated, particularly during the pile-driving phase of the building’s construction.

The main contractor of the overall project is Varte Oy.