Coronavirus infections in home care in the Haaga and Laakso areas

Coronavirus infections have been reported in the home care areas of Haaga and Laakso.
Nainen laittaa kasvomaskin kasvoilleen.

Coronavirus infections have been reported in the home care areas of Haaga and Laakso. Both customers and employees have fallen ill. A wider cluster of infections has been identified during March. In the Haaga area, nine employees and nine customers have been infected. In Laakso, two customers and two employees have been infected.

All of those infected have been ordered into isolation. Those exposed have been ordered into quarantine.

- Employees and customers have been extensively tested and it seems that the home care epidemic is now slowing down. No new infections have been detected this week, says Maarit Rautio, service district director.

- It is very important that people still seek a coronavirus test at a low threshold. We also remind customers that even mild symptoms must be reported to home care employees before any visits, Rautio continues.

Despite the illnesses and quarantines of nurses, customer visits can be handled almost normally.

- Customers can be confident that they will receive the help they need, even in this exceptional situation, Rautio says.

Home care employees wear protective equipment during their visits and follow the safety measures strictly. Relatives are also reminded of the importance of protection measures and the fact that customers may only be visited when in good health.

Read more about visiting the elderly on the city’s website.

Vaccinations for home care customers and employees are ongoing and progressing according to the national vaccination schedule. The vaccination situation in Helsinki can be checked at

Picture: Freepik

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