At the event, a planning officer working on the plans for Käpylä and Kumpula will be talking about topics such as the Kätilöopisto Maternity Hospital on Sofianlehdonkatu, plans for Pohjolankatu 45 and 47 and the Onnentie 18 educational building.
The City is currently looking to repurpose the Kätilöopisto Maternity Hospital building, with the primary aim of preserving the building. However, parts of the building may be demolished, and new buildings may be constructed on the plot.
On Pohjolankatu, the plan is to build a Swedish-language school for approximately 500 pupils that will provide an uninterrupted study path for pupils. In conjunction with this, the residential buildings at Pohjolankatu 47 will be protected and the need for the protection of the yard areas will be reviewed. Additionally, the educational building at Onnentie 18 will be converted into housing. The possibility of improving the area’s pedestrian connections will also be reviewed.
On Hämeentie, the preconditions for pedestrian and cycling traffic will be improved between Kustaa Vaasan tie and Annalantie. The road will be provided with dedicated pedestrian and cycling lanes, in addition to which its public transport stops and roadside parking will be reorganised. In conjunction with this, the road’s public utility services will be updated. The construction will take place in 2021.
There will also be experts at the event talking about topics such as the results of the Tuusulanbulevardi map survey, the improvement of the traffic safety of Koskelantie, the Koskela depot and current planning projects in Pasila and Arabianranta.
Projects will also be showcased in short, approximately 15-minute, briefings. The full event programme is available at hel.fi/suunnitelmat. The event will be held in Finnish.
Central Helsinki event
27 February 2020 at 16–19
Käpylä Comprehensive School dining hall (Mäkelänkatu 93).
Further reading (in Finnish):
Event programme
Plans currently on display
The event’s Facebook page(Link leads to external service)