Day and group activities for the elderly closed as of 31 December

Helsinki will close the day activities for the elderly and supported group activities as of 31 December, due to the acceleration of the coronavirus epidemic.

Helsinki will close the day activities for the elderly and supported group activities as of 31 December, due to the acceleration of the coronavirus epidemic.

The day and group activities will remain closed at least until 10.1. We will inform our clients as soon as we know more about the exact opening dates of the services. The service numbers will respond as usual to the clients and those close to them.

For those needing the most support we try to find alternative ways of communication. We will later contact these clients personally.

You can find information about the coronavirus situation at the City of Helsinki's corona website.

Senior Info offers help and advice

The website for Senior Info has collected information about services during corona time. Senior Info also provides advice and service guidance.

The website is found at (in Finnish). The Senior Info can also be contacted by phone Monday–Friday 9–15, tel. 09 310 44556.

Photo: Katja Tähjä