Discount for asylum or temporary protection seekers at city museums and sports facilities

Discount for asylum or temporary protection seekers at city museums and some sports facilities in Helsinki.

The Culture and Leisure Committee decided at its meeting on 10 May that people who have applied for or have received a decision on asylum or temporary protection get a discount at the Helsinki Art Museum and Villa Hakasalmi and the swimming pools, gyms and other indoor sports facilities managed by the City of Helsinki.

The Culture and Leisure Division reviewed the service price list and the groups of people allowed to use the services at reduced prices. The new pricing aims to facilitate access to cultural and leisure services for those who have fled the war in Ukraine and others who have applied for or have received a decision on asylum or temporary protection.

“Sports and culture have many positive effects on physical and mental health. They offer displaced people meaningful things to do. We believe that this will also help asylum seekers to feel welcome in Helsinki,” says Laura Aalto, Executive Director for Culture and Leisure Division.

The right to the reduced admission fee can be verified by a residence permit card or a certificate showing that they have applied for asylum or temporary protection.

Admission fees for persons who have applied for or have received a decision on asylum or temporary protection 

– City of Helsinki swimming halls and outdoor swimming pools: €3 (normal price €5.50) 

– gym discount groups: €2 (normal price €3.50) 

– HAM Helsinki Art Museum: €10 (normal price €12), free for under 18-year-olds

– Villa Hakasalmi discount groups €10 (normal price €12), free for under 18-year-olds