Disruptions on public transport - Allow extra time for your journeys

Heavy snowfall causes disruptions to public transport. Poor weather conditions are expected to continue on Wednesday 13 January.
Lumiaurat töissä.

A and K trains will run every minutes also on Thursday 14 January.  Read more(Link leads to external service)

Follow the Helsinki Region Transport Sevices now pages for updates(Link leads to external service) .

News 13 January 

Heavy snowfall causes disruptions to public transport. Poor weather conditions are expected to continue on Wednesday 13 January.

The severe weather affects especially tram and bus services. Please allow plenty of extra time for your journeys as there are delays and cancellations to services.

As heavy snowfall is expected to continue on Wednesday, traffic problems are expected to continue. If possible, it is advisable to work from home on Wednesday. 

A and K trains will run every minutes also on Wednesday 13 January.  Read more about train traffic(Link leads to external service)

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Photo: Niklas Sjöblom