The coronavirus epidemic situation will allow for extensions to the controlled opening of the City of Helsinki’s services from the beginning of June. Although the situation is improving, the coronavirus epidemic is not yet over and Uusimaa is still an area in which the epidemic is in its spreading phase. Despite the gradual opening up of facilities and services, it is important that everyone continues to comply with the restrictions and recommendations in force.
More services of the Culture and Leisure Division will be opening up
More information on the opening of museums, exhibitions, cultural centres, libraries, swimming halls and outdoor swimming pools can be found in the culture and leisure news Libraries, museums, cultural centres, swimming halls and Helsinki Swimming Stadium will be opened on a limited basis on 1 June 2021.
Already yesterday, on 26 May, premises for advance voting were opened in Helsinki, such as the lobby of the City Hall, the Kallio office building and certain libraries. However, the actual services of these sites will not yet be expanded in whole.
Senior, social and disability services will be gradually opened up as of 1 June
The activities of service centres for seniors will be opened up gradually and on a limited basis as of 1 June. Supported small group activities will be opened up first for customers who need the most support. Those invited to the groups will be contacted separately. Services open to all guests, such as a gym and restaurants, will remain closed.
Day activities for the elderly will also start gradually as of 1 June in the City of Helsinki’s own units. Activities will be opened up first for customers who need the most support. At the same time, short-term care places will be opened up for informal care receivers.
Visiting instructions for senior centres, service houses and Helsinki City Hospital remain unchanged.
Visiting restrictions will be lifted for disability services’ housing services as of 1 June, but guests will be required to wear a face mask in common areas.
Community centre Hopeala in Haaga will open on 1 June. The number of visitors is limited as necessary and customers are required to maintain safe distances and use a face mask. Hopeala’s activities will be held in groups of up to six people outdoors, even before June. Reduced summer opening hours will start in Oulunkylä's resident house and Hanna’s resident house in the eastern city center as of 14 June. At the same time, when the coronavirus situation allows, Malmi's resident house building will be opened, where mask distribution and digital support will continue by appointment, and Kontula, where digital support will continue by appointment.
Kallio office building and Myllari resident premises will be opened on May 26 as advance polling stations. The Pakila Work Center service point and product pick-up service will open on 1 June.
More information in social services and health care news Service centre group activities, day activities for the elderly and short-term care will open in June.
Education Division’s premises will be reopened for residents' bookings
Residents' facilities in the Education Division field will be available again as of 1 June for day camps for children and young people, indoor events with assembly restrictions and events in accordance with health safety instructions.
Customer service points in the Education Division will open up as of 1 June at Töysänkatu 2 and Teollisuuskatu 21-23.
Service hours are expanding in public places in the Urban Environment Division field, such as at the Harakka Nature Centre
The opening of the Harakka Nature Centre will be expanded as of 1 June. From the beginning of June, the nature center will also serve outdoors on weekdays and will be open every day of the week from 10:00-17:00.
Museums will open as of 1 June, when the indoor facilities of the Harakka Nature Centre will also open. The same opening time also applies to places of interest that belong to the field of the Urban Environment Division, i.e. the Winter Garden, the Fire Museum and the Museum of Civil Defence.
In addition, the Helsinki Rescue Department's Haaga sports hall will open up to a limited extent for hobbyists born in 2001 and after as of 1 June.
City Hall services will be opened, as well as face-to-face employment counseling and tourismservices.
The City Executive Office’s customer service facilities will be opened in stages at the end of May and the beginning of June. Some facilities will be opened up for customer service use in full and others in part or with a limited number of customers. The lobby of the City Hall will be opened on 26 May for the advance voting of the municipal elections and the customer service of the city registry as of 1 June.
The customer service offices of the Labour force and migration unit for employment matters, which have an appointment service, will open on 1 June.
As of 1 June, the organization of face-to-face conciliation negotiations in Helsinki's Mediation Office will be expanded to four conference rooms in stages. The number of people in the rooms is limited.
Helsinki's tourist information services will be opened for face-to-face assistance at the railway station's service point as of 1 June, and, at the same time, Helsinki Help tourist advisors will start work.
The City of Helsinki’s general advice services in Oodi will be opened up as of 1 June, so that service will be open daily from 14:00-18:00 during the library's opening hours.