Energy saving measures bring significant reductions to City of Helsinki consumption

Various disruptions were anticipated in the price and availability of electricity in the winter of 2022–2023. The City of Helsinki prepared for the situation with swift measures, some temporary, to reduce energy consumption and costs as well as secure services. The aim was to reduce energy consumption in all applicable city premises, including sites using substantial amounts of energy and public areas.
Four symbols: info icon, a light bulb, electric cord, and a house.
The city's measures successfully reduced its district heating and electricity consumption in the 2022–2023 winter season. Photo: City of Helsinki

Energy consumption was reduced in city premises by optimising temperature and ventilation. In sports facilities, energy consumption was cut back with a wider range of measures. In public areas, features like exterior lighting and heated pathways were adjusted to lower overall energy consumption.

Although there was no need to resort to rolling power outages in Finland, the City of Helsinki managed in a short timeframe to improve its energy preparedness and identify common measures for reducing its overall energy consumption. The city also found new ways to reduce its consumption permanently.

Cuts to district heating and electricity use

Monitoring the comparable development of energy consumption within the entire Helsinki City Group is difficult to do precisely. This is due to changes taking place over the long term in an exceptionally large network of premises, and for example, some premises being renovated while new sites are being completed.

In 2021, Helsinki City Group purchased a total of 550 GWh of electricity and 1,200 GWh of district heating. Based on available reports, district heating consumption decreased by around 7 per cent in 2022, compared to 2021. When looking at the period from September 2022 to January 2023, when the actual energy saving measures were in place, district heating consumption decreased by around 11 per cent on the previous year. This was in part facilitated by warmer weather conditions in the reference months this winter.

The energy consumption of Helsinki City Group, in turn, decreased by approximately 4 per cent year-on-year. From September 2022 to January 2023, consumption decreased by around 9 per cent.

Energy costs increased despite saving measures

Despite these energy saving measures, the City of Helsinki’s energy costs increased during the winter season due to energy price increases. 
The district heating costs of Helsinki City Group increased by roughly 8 per cent in 2022, which translates to approximately EUR 7 million. According to a preliminary estimate for the entire winter period, the district heating costs in Helsinki City Group will increase by roughly 10 per cent, or approximately EUR 9 million.