At the moment, there are nine people with a corona virus infection at the palliative ward 11 at Suursuo Hospital. Out of them, eight are patients and one is a member of staff. The ward has been divided in two and the other half has been temporarily closed. The entire staff and the patients at the ward 11 at Suursuo will be tested for corona virus this week.
The epidemic at the ward 11 at Suursuo is connected to the epidemic at the ward 12 at Malmi. The first of the infections at Suursuo was diagnosed with a patient who had been transferred from Malmi Hospital. The transfer was done before any corona virus infections were found at the ward in Malmi.
New infections at Malmi
New infections have also been found at the ward 12 at Malmi Hospital. From start of November, ten patients and five members of staff have been diagnosed with a corona virus infection. The first infection was found on 2 November. The testing of patients is continued at Malmi. The ward has been closed for now.
We have contacted the relatives of the patients at Malmi and Suursuo and told them about the situation.
Because of the epidemic, it’s not possible for relatives to visit, except if the patient is in terminal care.