Expanded service hours in Myllypuro as of September

As of the beginning of September, the Myllypuro Health and Well-being Centre offers non-urgent appointments in the evenings at 16:00–18:00.

As of the beginning of September, the Myllypuro Health and Well-being Centre offers non-urgent appointments in the evenings at 16:00–18:00. The evening appointments must be booked in advance. The extended service hours apply to the health station, dental care and physiotherapy.

Health station appointments after 16:00 are intended for the clients of the Myllypuro, Kontula and Kivikko Health Stations and provided at the Myllypuro Health Station. The service hours of the Kontula and Kivikko Health Stations remain unchanged. They are open on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00.

The dental clinic serves the whole city via the centralised appointment booking service. 

“Surveys conducted among the customers indicated the need for longer opening hours,” says Lars Rosengren, Project Manager responsible for the planning of the Myllypuro Health and Well-being Centre.

“Evening appointments make it easier for working people to use the social and health care services,” says Leena Turpeinen, Director of Health and Substance Abuse Services.

“We aim to have health and well-being centres in different parts of the city to serve Helsinkians with extended hours,” Turpeinen continues.

Emergency services after 16:00 are still being provided at Malmi and Meilahti and, for young people under 16, the New Children’s Hospital.

Extended service hours from 1 September

Health station services

  • weekdays 8.00–16.00 and Mon–Thu 16.00–20.00 (in the evenings, only non-urgent appointments booked in advance)

  • emergency services after 16.00 at Malmi and Meilahti (Haartman Hospital) and for those under the age of 16 at the New Children’s Hospital

us electronically (maisa.fi), call your own health station’s appointment booking service or visit us on weekdays from 8.00–16.00. Contact us by phone in sick leave matters. Our chatbot is available at www.hel.fi/healthstations

necessary, complete a symptom assessment at omaolo.fi.

Dental care

  • Myllypuro Dental Clinic Mon–Fri 8.00–20.00
  • Kivikko Dental Clinic Mon, Wed–Fri 8.00–15.00 and Tue 12.30–20.00
  • Kontula Dental Clinic Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri 8.00–15.00 and Wed 12.30–20.00

us electronically (maisa.fi), contact our customer service or visit us. The customer service centre is open Mon–Thu 7.00–18.00, Fri 7.00–15.00, tel. +358 9 310 51400. The chat service is open on weekdays from 8.00–15.00 at www.hel.fi/dentalcare.

dental care appointments are booked online via the maisa.fi service or by calling on weekdays from 7.00–14.00, tel. +358 9 310 51400.


  • Mon and Thu 8.00–18.00
  • Tue and Fri 8.00–16.00
  • Wed 8.00–20.00

requires a referral from a health station doctor. Physiotherapy advice and appointment booking on weekdays from 8.00–15.00, tel. +358 9 310 67000. 

Unchanged service hours

Mieppi – low-threshold mental health services

  • Mon–Thu 8.00–18.00
  • Fri 8.00–16.00

On Wednesdays from 8.30–15.00, you can visit us without an appointment.

Book an appointment online (hel.fi/mieppi or maisa.fi) or by telephone (Mon-Thu 12.00–14.00, tel. +358 9 310 26830).

Laboratory (Huslab)

  • Mon–Thu 7.00–17.30
  • Fri 7.00–15.00

testing requires a referral. Book an appointment electronically ( www.huslab.fi/ajanvaraus(Link leads to external service) ) or by telephone (weekdays 7.30–15.00, tel. +358 9 471 86800).

Adult social services

  • weekdays 8.15–16.00
  • evening appointments are possible until 18.00 when agreed upon separately

booking and counselling on weekdays from 9.00–11.00 and 12.00–14.00, tel. +358 9 310 43462

services counselling on site

  • Mon, Wed, Fri 9.00–15.00
  • Tue 12.00–15.00

The social services counselling telephone service is open Mon–Fri from 9.00–16.00, tel. +358 9 310 44400.

The chat service provides advice and guidance on weekdays from 9.00–16.00, www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/socia-health/socia-support/information/.

Social services for young people under the age of 30

Services for young people are provided at the Kontula health station.

  • weekdays 8.15–16.00
  • evening appointments are possible until 18.00 when agreed upon separately 

booking and counselling on weekdays from 9.00–11.00 and 12.00–14.00, tel. +358 9 310 44656.