Municipalities often hold nature excursions in various parts of the Metropolitan area starting from early April. Due to the exceptional circumstances, these activities will not be held before June, if then. However, you can always enjoy nature. Check out excursion tips from municipalities.
Municipalities in the metropolitan area will not be holding guided nature excursions or walks in the park in April or May 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. The situation will be reviewed at the end of May.
The nature excursion calendars for the Metropolitan area will be made available at service points and libraries once the restrictions on gatherings are lifted and activities may once again be held. We have scheduled excursions until November.
Visit nature together with your family
You can and should go on independent nature excursions, as long as you remember to avoid the most popular destinations and keep a safe distance from other people. This is an excellent time to take a walk in your local forest and visit less well-known nature destinations.
Nature destinations in Helsinki, brochures and guidebooks are all available at www.hel.fi/helsinki/en/housing/nature/excursions. The website also contains new content updated over the spring and summer, such as ‘Tekemistä luonnossa’ (what to do outdoors) tips and nature brochures in PDF format.
You can find more information on planned walking routes in Helsinki at www.vihreatsylit.fi(Link leads to external service)
You can look for local nature destinations in Espoo by browsing the Finnish-language book ‘Kotinurkilta kallioille – Espoon luontokohteet’. The book divides Espoo into 13 areas, making it easy to find sites near your home. You can also view a PDF version of the book at www.espoo.fi/kotinurkiltakallioille(Link leads to external service).
To celebrate Vantaa’s Year of the bug, you can set up a beetle track designed for children and fun-loving adults. Instructions on setting up the track can be found on the Beetles LIFE project website. The Soltorp nature trail in Hämeenkylä is designed in particular for children. You can spring like a springtail, negotiate the slime mould labyrinth and pretend to be a false scorpion hitching a ride with a bee and much more on this active nature trail.
Discover nature trails
The numerous nature trails in the Metropolitan area provide signed routes that will ensure you don’t lose your way. On the nature trails, you can enjoy majestic coniferous forests and delicate flowery groves alike, listen to babbling brooks or marvel at the scenery from atop a cliff. You can find more information on nature trails on the respective city websites.