Helsinki offers guidance for infill construction in Lauttasaari, Pakila and Kontula

The City of Helsinki is piloting a new kind of guidance service in three districts. The service is intended for housing companies and property owners who are interested in urban infill on their plots.
Kuvituskuva neuvonnasta.
Guidance services are offered in select pilot areas. Photo: Jussi Hellsten

The City of Helsinki is piloting a new kind of guidance service that aims to make urban infill construction simpler for housing companies and property owners.

This year, guidance services are offered in select pilot areas in the districts of Kontula, Länsi-Pakila and Lauttasaari. For example, in Lauttasaari, guidance is offered in the Vattuniemi and Katajaharju neighbourhoods.

The pilot areas selected are ones that have recent area planning principles. This means that the City’s policies and goals for promoting urban infill in these areas are clear.

With the pilot areas, the City aims to gain diverse experience of guidance services 
in areas with plots for predominantly rental, owner-occupied, detached, and block of flats housing.

Advice and inspiration

Urban infill construction is voluntary for housing companies and property owners. In the best case, a housing company can receive significant income from urban infill, which can help it fund renovations and improvements of its buildings.

Housing company decision-makers and property owners in the pilot areas will have the opportunity to receive individual guidance on the urban infill possibilities on their plots.

For those receiving guidance services, the City will prepare a preliminary expert assessment of the costs and profits of an infill project. The information may form the basis for further plans and help housing companies in their decision-making.

In the autumn, the City will also hold local events where participants can receive more advice and inspiration for urban infill and find partners for their projects.

Homes for new residents

If the experiences gained from the guidance services are positive, the pilot project will continue in the selected areas for 2025. The City also aims to make use of the lessons learned from the pilot project in other residential areas in the future.

The City is focusing on guidance services because it aims to actively promote the possibilities of urban infill. Without infill, Helsinki will not have a sufficient number of new homes in the coming years.

The City’s free-of-charge urban infill guidance services in Kontula, Länsi-Pakila and Lauttasaari are realised by the MUUAN design agency, which was selected in a tendering process. The City will contact the housing company decision-makers and property owners in the pilot areas by post in March.

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