Helsinki planning new nature reserves in Mustavuori

The City of Helsinki is preparing two new nature reserves in Mustavuori. The areas are the Mellunmäki flood meadow and the southern section of Mustavuori. Both sites are included in the City of Helsinki Nature Conservation Programme 2015–2024.
Kaivoslampi Mustavuoren eteläosassa.
A mining pond in the southern part of Mustavuori. Photo: Hanna Seitapuro

The future nature reserves will expand and diversify the entity of the Mustavuori nature reserves.

The largest section of the Mellunmäki flood meadow is open marsh transforming into a grassy flood meadow towards the edges of the meadow. The open central section can be considered significant in terms of conservation values due to its size and the biotope that is uncommon in Helsinki. Night birds, such as the virtuoso Blyth's reed warbler and the thrush nightingale, nest in the flood meadow. It is also home to many endangered and near-threatened bird species.

The majority of the southern section of Mustavuori is forested ridge, where different types of forest vary from forest on rocky terrain and dry northern forest to groves. The area also has natural old forest, with plenty of decayed wood. More than 90 species of polypore have also been found in the area, which is a considerable number. There are a total of 11 endangered or near-threatened species. Bird species of old-growth forests thrive in the forests, and the reedy coastal swamp in Porvarinlahti attracts wetland bird species, some of which are endangered. There is an old lime quarry in the southern part of Mustavuori, which is protected as a relic, along with several springs forming seepage.

A management and use plan is being prepared for both areas.

The Environment and Permits Sub-committee of the Urban Environment Committee will discuss the protection proposals in its meeting on 13 March.

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