Helsinki rewards theses

On Friday, 17 December, the City of Helsinki gave recognition awards to ten authors of excellent Helsinki-related theses.
Nuori nainen kirjoittaa tietokoneella.

On Friday, 17 December, the City of Helsinki gave recognition awards to ten authors of excellent Helsinki-related theses.

The thesis award is granted to theses whose topic is related to Helsinki, Helsinki residents or the city’s own services. The city aims to reward theses from several disciplines. This year, each award was worth €400.

– With the thesis award, we want to encourage students to study Helsinki and current phenomena related to urban development from the perspectives of various disciplines. This year, we were delighted to receive 26 proposals from various disciplines that met the application criteria, says Katja Vilkama, Research Director at the Urban Research and Statistics Unit of the Helsinki City Executive Office.

The criteria for the awards are the quality of the thesis, a link to Helsinki and the grade awarded by the university. In addition, an innovative approach and new perspectives are appreciated. The thesis awards have been granted since 1992.

This year’s thesis awards were received by the following people:

Eva Granholm: “Vill du ha lite kakao?”: en studie om unga omsorgsgivares skolvardag, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Lauri Grünthal: Musiikki ja monialainen oppiminen. Yläkoulun oppilaiden kokemuksia monialaisesta oppimiskokonaisuudesta ja musiikin oppimisesta sen osana (Music and multidisciplinary learning. Secondary school pupils’ experiences of the multidisciplinary learning module and learning music as part of it), Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki

Felix Hallikainen: Helsingin seudun lasten ja nuorten liikkumistavat arkipäivän matkoilla (Daily transport modes of children and young people in the Helsinki region), School of Engineering, Aalto University

Nele Korhonen: Simple lifestyles in urban milieus: A qualitative study of voluntary simplicity in a city, School of Engineering, Aalto University

Merilla Laitinen: Lasten työssäkäynti Helsingissä 1900–1920 (Employment of children in Helsinki in 1900–1920), Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki

Helena Laukkoski: Oopperatalohanke Helsingin Sanomissa 1964–1987: julkisen keskustelun kehitys ja suhde Suomen kulttuuripolitiikkaan (Opera House project in Helsingin Sanomat in 1964–1987: development of public discourse and relationship with Finnish cultural policy), Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki

Jarrod Luxton: Prioritisation of Nature-based Solutions in Urban Catchments, School of Engineering, Aalto University

Jasmiina Myllys: Airbnb:n mahdolliset vaikutukset Helsingin vuokra-asuntomarkkinoihin: vuokra-aukkoteorian näkökulma (Possible effects of Airbnb on the rental housing market in Helsinki: a rent-gap theory perspective), Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki

Mathew Page: Agent-based models as a tool for exploring complex segregation processes. Simulating scenarios of residential segregation in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki

Jenni Passoja: “Se menee niin laajalle se työ, mitä me tehään, et se on niitten nuorten elämää…” Tarkastelussa kunnallinen nuorisotyö diskursiivisena käytäntönä (“The work we do is so far-reaching that it’s part of the young people’s lives…” Municipal youth work as a discursive practice), Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

The City of Helsinki’s Urban Research and Statistics Unit conducts extensive urban research and takes care of the city’s basic statistical resources, statistical publications and information services.

Read more:

Statistics and research on Helsinki

Photo: Julia Kivelä (c) Visit Finland.

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