The aim of the survey is to collect concrete targets of development related to the City of Helsinki's amenities from a tourism perspective Suggestions can be made on any tourism-related topic, such as the city’s tourism infrastructure, destinations, transport, services, cleanliness or events.
“According to the City Strategy, Helsinki must not only be a good city for its residents but also for its visitors. Residents and businesses have first-hand information on how to further improve Helsinki's performance as a tourist destination and place to visit. This information will also be used to identify and further minimise the potential negative impacts of tourism on residents. We are committed to promoting the best ideas from the survey, so I hope that everyone in Helsinki will actively participate," says Tourism Director, Nina Vesterinen.
“Involving Helsinki residents in the development of tourism is particularly important. Before the pandemic, it was seen that in many European destinations, tourism was doing more harm than good in terms of excessive tourism or the degradation of nature. That's why Helsinki wants to engage in an active dialogue with the city's residents to avoid pitfalls,” stresses Helsinki’s Senior Advisor, Tourism, Jukka Punamäki.
The City of Helsinki is implementing the Tourism and Events programme for 2022–2026. This survey is part of the implementation of the programme. The programme also aims to take into account the social sustainability of tourism, which requires locals to feel comfortable in their own city and satisfied with Helsinki's tourism. This will prevent potential negative impacts of tourism on Helsinki and its residents.
Helsinki's Targets of Tourism Development online survey will run until 20 March 2023. The survey has been conducted in Finnish, Swedish and English, and the results will be presented on Thursday 30 March 2023 in the lobby of City Hall at 16.00 at an event that is open to all. Pre-registration is not required.