The path along the edge of the nature reserve will be improved at the same time to make it more accessible by making the steepest sections gentler and replacing the old duckboards in the northwestern section with a wider path covered with planks.
The measures will be carried out between spring 2025 and autumn 2025. The work may cause temporary inconvenience to users of the area.
Stansvik mine area interesting both in terms of cultural history and nature values
The mine shafts of the old iron mine have filled up with water, but they are surrounded by lush vegetation. The species there include grove, deep forest and rocky terrain plants, such as maidenhair spleenwort, herb christopher, peach-leaved bellflower, hepatica and spring vetch.
Noble deciduous trees, mountain currants, honeysuckle and mezereon represent the species of trees and bushes that grow in groves. The occurrence of the common cotoneaster is remarkable.
The song of the wood warbler, the Eurasian blackcap, the thrush nightingale, the Eurasian bullfinch and the common chiffchaff can be heard in Stansvik in the spring. The cuckoo, the black woodpecker and the Eurasian jay are also part of the bird population.
The work is commissioned by the City of Helsinki Environmental Services, and it will be executed by Stara. The management plan of the Stansvik grove and mine area nature reserve is used as the basis for the work.