Is your child missing vaccinations included in the vaccination programme? – We are inviting you to a vaccination appointment

You can book vaccination appointments for children under school age with your own nurse even during the summer.
Pientä lasta rokotetaan neuvolassa.

You can book vaccination appointments for children under school age with your own nurse even during the summer.

Vaccinations will also be provided normally during regular appointments at the maternity and child health clinics, so you do not need to book a separate vaccination appointment if you have already agreed on an age-specific check-up for your child.

You can book a vaccination appointment via Maisa at leads to external service) or by using the Maisa app. You can also book an appointment via the telephone service of the maternity and child health clinics on 09 310 55530(Link starts a phone call), weekdays from 8:00 to 12:00.

Read more about the vaccinations included in the vaccination programme

You can read more about the national vaccination programme for children under school age on 

website of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare(Link leads to external service)