Join Helsinki’s participatory budgeting kick-off

How can I participate in the City of Helsinki’s OmaStadi participatory budgeting process? What kinds of proposals to improve the city can be submitted? These kinds of questions and more will be answered at the OmaStadi 2023–2024 kick-off on Thursday, 24 August at 16.30–18.
The next round of OmaStadi participatory budgeting will open on Monday, 2 October.
The next round of OmaStadi participatory budgeting will open on Monday, 2 October.  Photo: City of Helsinki

A kick-off event marking the start of the next round of the City of Helsinki's OmaStadi participatory budgeting will be arranged in the Event Square of the City Hall (street address Pohjoisesplanadi 11–13) on 24 August.

Helsinki Mayor Juhana Vartiainen and other city employees, in addition to organisation and resident representatives, will be on hand to deliver presentations.


16.30–17 Jubilee Orchestra performance
17 Welcoming remarks
17.05 OmaStadi 2023–2024
•    Presentation of ideas that have been implemented
•    City Services presentation: Services support resident participation
•    Organisation presentation
•    Resident presentation
•    Presentation of the OmaStadi sponsor pairing programme
17.45 Presentation from the Mayor of Helsinki
17.55 Closing remarks

The kick-off is open to the public. Participants are asked to register in advance with this form(Link leads to external service).

The event will also be livestreamed on the City of Helsinki’s video service Helsinki-kanava, beginning at 17.00. The recording will be available online for viewing after the event.

What is OmaStadi?

OmaStadi is the name of the City of Helsinki’s participatory budgeting initiative, which allows residents to brainstorm ideas for using EUR 8.8 million in city funding. All Helsinki residents over the age of 13 are invited to submit proposals for developing the city and its services. A good proposal is one that makes Helsinki more smoothly functioning, pleasant and fun. 

The third round of OmaStadi will soon begin. Residents are encouraged to go to the website and submit their proposals any time between 2–15 October.