With the exception of angling, all forms of fishing are prohibited from 15 May to 15 June at Vanhankaupunginlahti, Vartiokylänlahti and Laajalahti. However, this prohibition does not apply to the Vanhankaupunginkoski backwater area, which is a special permit area. Additionally, fishing using nets and fykes is prohibited in the Finnoonoja, Gräsanoja and Krapuoja mouth area and at Espoonlahti from 15 August to 30 November.
New regulations concerning fishing in the City of Helsinki’s water areas include a catch quota for pike-perch and lure fishing for sea trout. As of 1 January 2024, the catch quota for pike perch is three (3) per day (does not apply to commercial fishing and net fishing). Also as of 1 January 2024, lure fishing for sea trout is only allowed with lures equipped with no more than one barbless triple hook or two barbless single hooks.
With the exception of commercial fishing, no more than four nets may be used in net fishing as of 1 January 2024. In addition to this, in two years' time, meaning from the beginning of 2026, the mesh size in net fishing will increase to 55 millimetres and the minimum size for pike-perch will be increased to 45 centimetres.
The upper age limit of the fisheries management fee is being raised
Paying the fisheries management fee entitles you to fish with one lure. Fishing with traps or multiple rods also requires permission from the owner of the water area (e.g. rapids and the Vanhankaupunginkoski backwater and fishing with multiple rods).
As of 2024, the obligation to pay the fisheries management fee will apply to everyone between the ages of 18 and 69. The only exception are fishers who turned 65 by 31 December 2023.
More information about the fisheries management fee is available at
eraluvat.fi/en/fishing/fisheries-management-fee.html(Link leads to external service)
The City of Helsinki’s fishing permits are only available for purchase online via the
Kalakortti.com(Link leads to external service)
service (available in Finnish and Swedish).
More information about fishing is available on the Outdoor activities, parks and nature destinations website (link).
More information about fishing restrictions:
kalastusrajoitus.fi(Link leads to external service)
- Tietoa kalastonhoitomaksusta (linkki johtaa ulkoiseen palveluun)(Link leads to external service)
- Helsingin kaupungin kalastusluvat (linkki johtaa ulkoiseen palveluun)(Link leads to external service)
- Tietoa kalastuksesta Ulkoilu, puistot ja luontokohteet -sivustolla
- Tietoa kalastusrajoituksista Suomessa (linkki johtaa ulkoiseen palveluun)(Link leads to external service)