The worksites of the “Kasin katutyöt” (“No 8 street works”) project are entering a new phase on Runeberginkatu and Ruusulankatu. The work in Kallio is now at its most extensive.
The “Kasin katutyöt” project, which covers the renovation of Caloniuksenkatu, Helsinginkatu and Runeberginkatu, is expanding its worksite on Runeberginkatu. The second focus of the work in Töölö will shift from the Mannerheimintie intersection to Runeberginkatu and Ruusulankatu during September. The worksite will expand along Runeberginkatu from the intersection of Ruusulankatu towards Töölönkatu and will continue all the way to Töölöntori during the autumn and winter. The site is also expanding on Ruusulankatu.
Work causes noise and traffic disturbance
The impact of the worksite around Runeberginkatu, Ruusulankatu and Töölönkatu will increase. The worksite on Runeberginkatu will be located mainly on the north side of the street in the autumn, but excavations are also possible at other points later in the year. The worksite on the south side of the street will expand more significantly next year. On Ruusulankatu, work will proceed from the intersection of Runeberginkatu towards Sibeliuksenkatu, initially on the west side of the street.
The construction of water services onwards along Runeberginkatu will also require excavation. The excavations will start at Runeberginkatu 56 and move towards Töölöntori. Excavation drilling and blasting will commence in week 38 and will be carried out during the day between 7:00 and 19:00.
Water services work continues at the intersection of Mannerheimintie, due to which the outer lane towards the city centre is closed for about 50 metres up to the Runeberginkatu intersection. The work is nearing completion and is expected to be completed in early October.
On Caloniuksenkatu, the work is nearing completion for this year. The street will be finished for the winter up to a point where the city can carry out normal winter maintenance there. Work will continue on Caloniuksenkatu in spring 2022.
Street works in Kallio now at their most extensive
The street works of the project are being carried out in three separate areas, of which the work in the Kallio area, i.e. Helsinginkatu, Läntinen Brahenkatu and Kaa-rlenkatu, is now at its most extensive. New tram rails will be built in the area from the intersection of Kaarlenkatu to the intersection of Sturenkatu in September. In addition, water supply construction, paving, asphalt laying and electrical and outdoor light cable work will be carried out during the autumn. The work will cause a significant slowdown in traffic in the Helsinginkatu area until the end of the year. The remaining asphalting and paving work will continue next spring.
The street works project has proceeded according to plan. The exception is the water supply work on Kaarlenkatu, which has stalled due to cables that were unexpectedly discovered underground. The cables need to be moved, and work on the water supply pipes will start in early October.
Special traffic arrangements continue to exist throughout the work area, and vehicle and pedestrian routes may change on a daily basis.
Improved route for tram 8
“Kasin katutyöt” is a street works project that extends along the route of tram 8 to Kallio and Töölö. Its aim is to speed up the running of tram 8 and to make walking and cycling more comfortable and safer. At the same time, the underground water pipes, which are more than a hundred years old, and other municipal technology will be replaced.
The street work is carried out in three separate areas in the same project so that the service of tram 8 is disturbed for as short a time as possible. The works are expected to be completed in early 2023.
The worksites will alter tram routes until the beginning of October. For more information on the special tram routes, see HSL’s bulletins and HSL’s route guide at
You can find information about the street works through many different channels:
- See the contractor’s website for the latest releases: leads to external service) . The website allows you to subscribe to a newsletter to get news directly in your inbox.
- The fastest way to provide feedback and pose questions is to follow the project’s Facebook page @kasinkatutyot
- The project will be present at the “Uutta Kantakaupunkia” (“New city centre”) online event on 6 October. More information on the event can be found on the city website (in Finnish)