Keskinen Postipuisto planning to begin

The planning of Keskinen Postipuisto area in North Pasila is set to begin. Homes for approximately 3,000 residents are planned for the area along with commercial and public services. Residents will be invited to a workshop to plan the future of Keskinen Postipuisto.
Keskisen Postipuiston sijainti kartalla.
Photo: Helsingin kaupunki

The area to be zoned is located between the future Postipuisto and Eteläinen Postipuisto, which has already been zoned. In the future, these three areas will form a cohesive district in North Pasila.  

Homes for approximately 3,000 residents are planned for Keskinen Postipuisto along with commercial and public services, such as a daycare centre. In the west, the area is demarcated by Central Park and in the east by the Ilmala train depot area. Construction will not extend to Central Park. Parking will be arranged for in parking facilities.  

The two-storey Pasila post sorting centre and the Posti headquarters building are currently located in the area. The post sorting centre will likely be demolished in the 2030s, at the earliest, before the construction of the new district. New uses for the Posti headquarters will be discussed during detailed planning. 

The Kustinpolku pedestrian street will run through the new area. Vehicle traffic is directed to Postiljooninkatu next to the Ilmala depot. The tram may also run along Postiljooninkatu in the future. Postintaival, located next to Central Park, will be transformed into a walking and cycling route. A cycling path is also planned for the area, and its more precise route will be specified later on. 

Come along and envision Keskinen Postipuisto with us by attending a workshop

An open workshop on the plans for Keskinen Postipuisto will be organised on 17 June 2024 at 17.00–19.15 at the Posti headquarters at Postintaival 7. Participation in the event requires advance registration, which you can access through the link below. There is room for 40 participants in the order of registration. Register by 13 June: leads to external service) 

The detailed planning of Keskinen Postipuisto will start with the participation and evaluation plan, which can be viewed 7–28 June 2024. You can learn more about the plans for Keskinen Postipuisto and voice your opinion until 28 June in the online survey available in Finnish and Swedish at leads to external service) 

According to initial estimates, the construction of Keskinen Postipuisto may start in the 2030s. The construction of the Postipuisto area to the north is expected to be completed in 2027. The construction of Eteläinen Postipuisto is about to start and will be completed after the mid-2030s.  


Timetable for planning (asemakaava, kaavarunko) and construction (rakentaminen) of the areas in North Pasila. Photo: Helsingin kaupunki
Timetable for planning (asemakaava, kaavarunko) and construction (rakentaminen) of the areas in North Pasila. Photo: Helsingin kaupunki