Korkeasaari Zoo welcomes visitors again on May 3. The zoo’s five month closure is coming to an end and the animals can once again be seen in their outdoor enclosures. Most of the indoor enclosures, such as the tropical houses, will remain closed for coronavirus safety reasons.
The City of Helsinki will phase out the coronavirus restrictions regarding its public spaces from the beginning of May and, at the same time, the outdoor spaces of Korkeasaari will once again be opened to the public. At the zoo, it will be possible to
move around outside in individual groups, keep adequate safety distances and take care of good hygiene.
Korkeasaari’s animal houses will remain closed for the time being to avoid close contact.
The safety of a visit to Korkeasaari will be increased through a pre-registration process. As a result, arrivals can be staggered and the number of visitors limited. Korkeasaari guides will circulate and tell about the animals and ensure that safety distances are maintained at the most popular locations. The program includes independent “animal routes”, instead of the feeding of the animals.
Korkeasaari is open in May from 10:00-18:00 on weekdays, and on weekends and Ascension Thursday from 10:00-20:00. Water buses will start daily services from market square and Korkeasaari souvenir shop will open. Restaurant Karhu and Restaurant Bistro Bron will serve daily. Korkeasaari’s toilets and outdoor picnic areas with barbecues will be available to visitors.
Korkeasaari Zoo is a non-profit foundation belonging to the Helsinki City Group. The objective of the foundation is to protect endangered species and natural biodiversity. Every zoo visitor supports the work carried out by Korkeasaari.
Korkeasaari(Link leads to external service)
Photo: Korkeasaari Zoo