Major roadworks to extend in Töölö in February

The renovation of Caloniuksenkatu, Helsinginkatu and Runeberginkatu “Kasin katutyöt” will extend to Runeberginkatu in February.
Raitiovaunu Mannerheimintien ja Runeberginkadun risteyksessä

The renovation of Caloniuksenkatu, Helsinginkatu and Runeberginkatu “Kasin katutyöt” will extend to Runeberginkatu in February. The roadworks will be started on Runeberginkatu at the Mannerheimintie junction end during the week starting 22 February.

The constructions works in Kallio and on Caloniuksenkatu in Töölö were started in January.

The roadworks to begin in the week starting 22 February will begin with traffic rearrangements and by fencing off the worksite. Additionally, six linden trees will be cut down on the north side of Runeberginkatu. New trees will be planted to replace them when the street construction has been completed. By the current estimate, excavation works will be started during the week starting 1 March.

During the first stage, the worksite will be located on the pavement on the Runeberginkatu side. Later in spring, it will be extended to the outer vehicle lane of Mannerheimintie, towards the City centre.

Impacts on traffic

On Runeberginkatu, a 1.5-metre wide pedestrian pathway will be left between the buildings and the worksite. Access to all stores and buildings will be ensured at all times.

There will be no changes to cycling traffic routes during the initial stages.

Car traffic will also continue as normal during the early stages. Some parking spaces will be removed from Runeberginkatu. The situation will change later in spring, when the worksite will be extended to Mannerheimintie. Further information about the situation will be shared before the work is started.

Changes to tram traffic in May

Public transport will operate normally during the initial stages.

The roadworks will expand further in mid-May, and tram traffic will be moved to a different route. HSL provided more detail about these changes on 4 February. View the maps and read more in HSL’s(Link leads to external service)
bulletin(Link leads to external service)

Completion time of the roadworks changes

The start of the roadwork was postponed slightly; the work was originally intended to be started in November 2020 but began in January 2021. Due to this, the completion time of the roadworks has also been similarly postponed to February 2023.

the progress

The roadworks are being carried out in a densely built city centre, so the City will invest in project communications. Information about the project’s progress will be available through several channels:


page(Link leads to external service)
  is the fastest way to look or ask for information and to give feedback to the constructors. leads to external service)  The website of the contractor, Louhintahiekka, will have the same notifications about traffic arrangements and other changes as the Facebook page. The City’s website has materials concerning the project as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

By subscribing to the newsletter, you will be sent information about the street renovations directly to your inbox. Subscribe to the newsletter by filling in the online

form(Link leads to external service)

Notices concerning any especially loud work, night-time work and brief power cuts or disruptions in the water supply will continue to be posted in building hallways, at minimum. Make sure that you will be informed of a future disruption in the water supply by receiving a text message notification: leads to external service)

Image: Louhintahiekka Oy

Published 11 and updated 22 February.