In the residents' evening hosted by Mayor Juhana Vartiainen, the residents of Oulunkylä, Patola, Veräjämäki and Veräjälaakso areas, representatives of the City of Helsinki and partners gather for a joint discussion. During the evening, residents can ask Mayor Vartiainen and the leaders of the city's divisions about current issues directly. The city representatives, on the other hand, get to hear the residents' thoughts about their own residential area.
You can follow the Mayor's residents' evening live on the Helsinki channel and participate in the discussion on the message wall during the broadcast. Residents can also request topics to be discussed in advance in the Kerro kantasi -survey, which is a service open to everyone.
- The Mayor's residents' evening is a good opportunity for joint discussion and raising important issues. All those interested are warmly welcome to participate. Residents can participate on the spot or watch the event and ask questions remotely via the Helsinki channel's broadcast page, depending on which way feels best for them, says Team Leader in Interaction Titta Reunanen.
A bilingual invitation will be sent to the homes of the residents of the area about two weeks before the event.
A recording of the event will be published on Helsinki Channel.
Time of the event: Thursday, 27 April from 7 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. (6 p.m. the pop up market)
- Kerro kantasi -survey(Link leads to external service)
- Facebook-event(Link leads to external service)
- Helsinki Channel (live stream of the event)(Link leads to external service)
- Find out how to participate in and influence the development of Helsinki
- Recordings of previous Mayor’s residents' evenings
- Advance video of the event on Helsinki Channel(Link leads to external service)