More apartments and business premises at the centre of Herttoniemi - a plot competition arranged to find an implementer

The City of Helsinki is looking for an implementer in a block located in the immediate vicinity of the metro station and shopping centre Herts at the centre of Herttoniemi. The implementer is sought through a price and quality competition.
Herttoniemen tonttikilpailun suunnittelualue.
The planning area is located in the immediate vicinity of the metro station and shopping centre Herts at the centre of Herttoniemi. Photo: Helsingin kaupunki

The planning area has a valid local detailed plan approved in 2019, in which block 43084, the object of the competition, has been designated as a block area for city centre activities. The building right of the block is 35,000 k-m2, of which at least 30 percent must be other than housing. Among others, it is possible to designate commercial, office, hotel or service premises to the block.

The competition aims to find a block solution that is of high quality in terms of urban space and functionality, as well as an implementer for the solution. The goal is an attractive, functionally mixed block that fits the cityscape of Herttoniemi and creates an interesting public pedestrian route through the block.

The aim is to create an urban and architecturally vibrant city with good public transport connections, which provides the prerequisites for good city life and for meeting people. At the moment, the area is still incomplete and undergoing strong development.

The aim to select the implementer by spring 2025

The competition will be launched after the Urban Environment Committee has approved the competition programme and decided on the organisation of the competition. The Urban Environment Committee will discuss the matter in its meeting on 10 September.

In the first phase of the competition, the participants will prepare their proposals for the block. The competition assessment team will rate the received competition proposals according to qualitative assessment criteria. One to two parties who have prepared the competition proposal with the highest score are invited to negotiations. The negotiations will specify, among other things, the framework conditions for the implementation of the competition proposal.

After the negotiations, it is proposed to the Urban Environment Committee to reserve the competition area for the party with the best competition proposal in around spring 2025. After the reservation decision, an implementation agreement and a preliminary agreement on the handover of the area to the implementer will be signed with the winner of the competition. 

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