New Board and committee members for Helsinki Youth Council

During the organisation weekend of Helsinki Youth Council on 9.–10. January 2021, a new Board and new committee members were chosen for the 2021 term.
Nuorisoneuvoston puheenjohtaja ja kaksi varapuheenjohtajaa

During the organisation weekend of Helsinki Youth Council on 9.–10. January 2021, a new Board and new committee members were chosen for the 2021 term. Katja Legeza was selected as the Chair of the Youth Council, while Inka
Karlsson and August Kiattrakoolchai were selected as the vice chairs. 

“The interest towards positions of trust among the Youth Council was at a high level even this year, despite this being our first two-year term and with the first year already done. There were several candidates for almost all positions, which led to close elections. Still, we received many new people both on the Board and among the committee members,” states Katja Legeza, new Chair of the Youth Council. 

The voice of young people is heard in
municipal influence 

Helsinki Youth Council is an elected municipal participation channel for young people. Its task is to ensure that the voice of young people is heard and that young people can participate and make a difference in the decision-making and planning, implementation and monitoring of the various divisions in Helsinki. 

The Youth Council consists of 30 elected Helsinki residents aged 13–17. One of the principles of the Youth Council is learning new skills, and the goal is to rotate the positions and help the members learn skills in various roles. Of the Board members, 40 percent were new in their position, and of the committee members, 50 percent were new. In the division groups, the member turnover was 47 percent. 

“The Youth Council’s work for a better Helsinki continues with a new composition, and hopefully we’ll have better luck with the coronavirus situation, as well. I believe we will be able to develop the Youth Council even further this year to better serve us and all young people in the city,” Katja comments on the new year. 

For the terms of 2020–2021, the Youth Council has set climate change mitigation, sustainable development, promoting young people’s well-being and equality as its key goals. 

The Youth Council submits a statement on young people’s initiatives in the City Council twice a year. Helsinki Youth Council has representative seats in the committees of the City’s divisions, and it holds more than 300 meetings and events each year where it meets the mayors, division leadership, public servants and various partners of the City. You can read more about the Youth Council and the work it does leads to external service)

Photo: Ismo Kiesiläinen / City of Helsinki
Pictured: Chair of the Youth Council Katja Legeza, First Vice Chair Inka
Karlsson (on the left) and Second Vice Chair August Kiattrakoolchai (on the right).
Due to the coronavirus situation, there is no photo of the entire Board. 

Further information:

Katja Legeza
Chair of the Youth Council opens default mail program)  
+358 9 310 33383

Board of Helsinki Youth Council 2021:

Katja Legeza
Chair of the Youth Council

Inka Karlsson
1st Vice Chair of the Youth Council

August Kiattrakoolchai
2nd Vice Chair of the Youth Council

Miro Maaranen
Secretary of the Youth Council

Niko Partanen
Secretary of the Youth Council

Iris Kässi
Communication Officer of the Youth Council

Nella Salminen
Chair of the Division Group
Division Group for the Education Division

Verneri Hirn
Chair of the Division Group
Division Group of the Urban Environment Division

Elias Mustamand
Chair of the Division Group
Division Group of the Culture and Leisure Division

Aisha Mahmood
Chair of the Division Group
Division Group of the Social Services and Health Care Division

Division groups of Helsinki Youth
Council 2021:

Niko Partanen, committee member
Olivia Sorvari, committee member
Jenny Vu, committee member
Ahmednur Farah
Iris Kässi
Lumia Pesonen
Nella Salminen

Urban Environment
Verneri Hirn, committee member
Inka Karlsson, committee member
Miro Maaranen, committee member
Waleed Ahmed
Jenni Ahonen
August Kiattrakoolchai
Lauri Pyykkö
Max TalviOja

Culture and Leisure
Oona Sainio, committee member
Victor Ocampo, committee member
Elo Umukoro, committee member
Hugo Dahlberg
Sampo Hallivuori
Joel Helin
Elias Mustamand

Social Services and Health Care
Lana Bulatova, committee member
Jimi Joutsio, committee member
Alma Rantalaiho, committee member
Kiti Kuortti
Kukka Luukanen
Aisha Mahmood
Jemina Sandell