New channel for comprehensive school pupils to report bullying

The pupils of Helsinki’s comprehensive schools are now able to report witnessed or experienced bullying or harassment using a new online feedback channel. As has been the case so far, it is hoped that pupils would primarily report bullying directly to a teacher, principal, school psychologist, school social worker or school nurse, with the online feedback channel serving as an additional way of highlighting bullying.
Havainnekuva Aula-palvelusta

Pupils can submit reports of bullying via the Aula digital desktop for learners either under their own name or anonymously. The service identifies which school the pupil is attending and automatically relays the report to the school social worker of the pupil’s school. The reporting form is provided in Finnish for Finnish-language schools and in Swedish for Swedish-language schools. 

The purpose of the online feedback channel is to ensure that no instances of bullying remain hidden. The anti-bullying activities at our schools continue to focus on bullying prevention by way of strengthening community cohesion at schools and establishing shared operating methods. All of our pupils are entitled to a safe learning environment without bullying or the threat thereof. Bullying should not be accepted in any situation, and any instances of bullying should be intervened in as early as possible. The online feedback channel for reporting bullying is one of the measures of Helsinki’s anti-bullying programme. 

*Aula ( leads to external service)  ) is an easy-to-use digital desktop for pupils that opens as the start page of your browser. The service provides pupils with quick access to digital learning environments. Aula is designed based on the needs of learners to make it as convenient to use as possible.