The idea for a disc golf course in Central Park was one of the submissions in the participatory budgeting vote OmaStadi in autumn 2020. The proposal received 583 votes in OmaStadi.
Paloheinänhuippu was selected as the location as it is zoned for sports park use, and there are no valuable nature areas in the area.
Disc golf blends in well among the area’s other activities
The Paloheinänhuippu disc golf course will be a versatile course. The differences in elevation create a challenging course with the alternating terrains of forest and open landscape bringing variety to the game. In addition to structures and fairways, permanent information posts, benches and rubbish bins will also be placed along the course.
The disc golf course will not be operating during the winter as it is only intended for summer use. This means that skiing and sledging will continue at Paloheinänhuippu as before. The area also has some busy ski track routes. To avoid overlapping operating areas and dangerous situations, the baskets on the course will be removed for the winter season.
Paloheinänhuippu is also popular among mountain bikers, and there are many unofficial mountain biking paths on the area’s slopes. The lies and throw directions to the baskets have been arranged so that there is good visibility to the area’s paths and so that the discs will not end up on the biking paths and other passageways.
There will be information signs regarding the disc golf course so that other users in the area will be aware of the location of individual fairways.
Valuable nature areas have been taken into account
The sports park is surrounded by the Central Park’s forest areas and many valuable nature areas, such as flying squirrel core areas, green shield-moss Buxbaumia viridis and valuable plant areas. All fairways will be located on the landfill hill and not on valuable nature areas. The proximity of valuable nature areas has been taken into account in the planning of the fairways so that the lies are not directed towards them.
In areas with trees, the fairways have been fitted in the corridors naturally present between the trees. In particular, trees growing near lies and baskets will be protected. The existing ground levels will be preserved as they are with the exception of some levelling of the lies.
Erosion of the terrain will be prevented by spreading wood chips on the lies, basket areas and the fairways between them. New tree groups will be placed with careful consideration on the areas between the fairways.
You can monitor the phases of the Disc golf course in the Central Park project on the OmaStadi website at https://omastadi.hel.fi/(Link leads to external service) .(Link leads to external service) (In Finnish)
The park plan is planned to be completed in January 2023 and, according to a preliminary estimate, the construction can begin in the summer 2023. The course will be open for everyone and playing is free.