New Heka apartments completing in Tapanila - application period starts 10.8.2023

53 new apartments are being completed in October 2023 at Smoltinkaari 6.
Havainnekuva Hekan uudiskohteesta Smoltinkaari 6.
Photo: Arkkitehdit Hannunkari & Mäkipaja Oy

The apartments in Smoltinkaari 6, Tapanila are being completed earlier than previously informed. The estimated completion date is at the end of October. Application period for the apartments begins at Thursday 10th of August. Resident selections will be made beginning from Friday 25th of August.

There are 53 apartments and the estimated average rent is 16 € / m2. 

You can find more information on Heka's website(Link leads to external service).

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