New housing and integration into surrounding city proposed for Merihaka

Helsinki is drawing up planning principles for the Merihaka area that will enable urban infill and better integration of Merihaka into the surrounding urban structure. Complementary construction in the Hakaniemi and Sörnäinen areas and the completion of the Crown Bridges Light Rail will bring changes, which also makes the development of Merihaka a topical issue. The aim is to preserve and strengthen Merihaka’s distinctive identity.
Havainnekuvassa ihmiset viettävät aikaa meren äärellä. Rannassa on kävelyalueita ja uudisrakennuksia.
View from the eastern shore of Merihaka. The redeveloped ball game centre and the new beach will provide places for recreation. In the background, you can see the new Merihaka Bridge.

The planning principles allow for the construction of new residential buildings to replace the multistorey car parks, the partial conversion  of office space to residential use and the modest raising of some  existing buildings. The planning principles will be available for viewing and feedback in the Kerrokantasi service from 29 April to 26 May 2024.

New housing and business premises

Most of the new floor area will be residential. If all of the new buildings and additional floors are built, the population may increase by around 430–580 people.    The planning principles also allow for some of the business premises in the central part of Merihaka to be converted into housing. This may contribute to increasing the population in the area. 
The proposal includes new business and commercial premises near Sörnäisten rantatie and in Hakaniemenranta along the new light rail line. The business premises will be located on the ground floor to enliven the street space.

Pedestrian and motor traffic kept separate

Residents' recreational areas and public spaces will be separate from traffic and cars in the future. The planning principles allow for the demolition of the multistorey car parks and the repurposing of the plots. The new buildings will be residential from deck level upwards. 
The planning principles cannot protect buildings or areas but list some of the buildings in Merihaka for preservation, and the City will examine their conservation objectives later during the plan changes.

Distinctive Merihaka developed as a whole

Instead of individual plan changes, the City is drawing up a set of planning principles for the whole of the Merihaka area. This enables Merihaka and its development to be examined as a whole. Once the City has adopted the planning principles, individual plots can apply for plan changes either individually or jointly. 

Give feedback by 26 May

The proposed planning principles will be available for viewing at pop-up events at Kylätupa in Merihaka (Haapaniemenkatu 14) on Wednesday 15 May at 16:00–19:00 and Thursday 16 May at 11:00–14:00. The area’s planning officers will also be present. The principles will be available for viewing and feedback at leads to external service) until 26 May 2024. You can also explore the potential options with the help of a 3 D city model(Link leads to external service) .