OmaStadi ideas will be developed together

The ideas will be shaped into voteable proposals during the period 12.1.–30.4.2021 on the website and at workshops.
Kuvakollaasi, jossa kolme hymyilevää ihmistä katsoo kohti lukijaa. Taustalla värikästä grafiikkaa.

The ideas will be shaped into voteable proposals during the period 12.1.–30.4.2021 on the website and at workshops, jointly with local residents and City experts.

In October of last year, Helsinki residents submitted a total of 1,463 ideas to OmaStadi. Towards the end of the year, the City finished assessing all of them and selected 1,150 ideas for further development, based on the OmaStadi criteria. Next, the ideas will be co-developed into voteable proposals. An idea can move to the voting phase only if it is submitted as a proposal through the website and it meets the relevant criteria.

Local workshops to kick off co-development

The ideas will be shaped into voteable proposals by developing them together with other local residents and the City’s experts. The first to start will be the local workshops, which will be held 25.1.–4.2.2021.

The aim of the workshops is to open proposals on the OmaStadi website, discuss them with other residents who submitted ideas and combine similar ideas together. All residents who submitted viable ideas for the same area are invited to join the workshops. Other local residents who are interested in co-development are also welcome. The local workshops will be held online.

Registration link(Link leads to external service) for local workshops.

Theme workshops to be held in March

Once the workshops are complete, the development will continue on the OmaStadi website, in smaller working groups and at the theme workshops to be held in March.

In addition to those who submitted the ideas, the theme workshops will be attended by City experts. The aim of the theme workshops is to finalise the proposals before cost assessment and voting.

The period for opening proposals on the website is 11.1.–28.2.2021. Open proposals can be edited until 30.4.2021.

The City will be organising participation support for residents at libraries and community centres, among other locations. The best person to ask about a specific area’s proposals and co-development arrangements is the area’s borough liaison, who can also provide assistance and support for developing a proposal. Contact information for the borough liaisons and important information on co-development can be found on the OmaStadi website(Link leads to external service) .

OmaStadi is the City of Helsinki’s way of realising participatory budgeting. The second round of the OmaStadi development efforts began in the autumn of 2020. It provided local residents with the opportunity to present ideas on how the City should spend an appropriation of 8.8 million euros. A total of 1,436 ideas were submitted. The most popular themes were sports and outdoor recreation, parks and nature, built environment and communality.

Local workshop schedule:

Eastern major district 25.1.2021, 17:30–19:30
South-eastern major district 26.1.2021, 17:30–19:30
Southern major district 27.1.2021, 17:30–19:30
Entire Helsinki 28.1.2021, 17:30–19:30
Northern major district 1.2.2021, 17:30–19:30
Central major district 2.2.2021, 17:30–19:30
Western major district 3.2.2021 17:30–19:30
North-eastern major district 4.2.2021, 17:30–19:30

Read more:

Registration link for local workshops(Link leads to external service)

Learn more about idea groups in your area(Link leads to external service)

OmaStadi(Link leads to external service)
(Link leads to external service)  
Borough Liaisons for districts(Link leads to external service)

Photo: KMG, City of Helsinki.

Published 11 and updated 22 January.