Personnel Report 2020: Corona crisis challenged city’s personnel and operations all year long

The results of the personnel satisfaction survey were better than before, despite the coronavirus outbreak.
Opettaja ja opiskelijoita.

When the corona crisis started, the city organisation reorganised and managed its operations well in an unprecedented situation. The decision-making was concentrated to the corona group and the city's top-level management was provided with an updated situational picture. The crisis communications, both internal and external, received a lot of positive feedback from the personnel.

The talent bank, established as a consequence of the crisis, made it possible to flexibly direct the city's personnel resources to places suffering from a shortage of employees. Where needed, the personnel moved into new tasks within the organisation and between the divisions, even on a very rapid schedule. Many employees found it easier to maintain a good work-life balance as a consequence of working from home due to the coronavirus outbreak.

City needs a diverse personnel

The anonymous recruitment trial, which was realised during last year, yielded good results and the use of the practice will be expanded. The purpose of anonymous recruitment is to lower the threshold for reaching a job interview without issues that are irrelevant for the job affecting the process, such as the applicant’s name, birth date, gender or native tongue. By means of anonymous recruitment, the city wants to further the equal and non-discriminatory treatment of applicants, as well as the diversity of the personnel.

One-time bonuses highlighted successful efforts

One-time bonuses were used to support the development of work culture and highlighting of successful efforts. The city paid about 13 million euros in one-time bonuses. As in previous years, the salary competitiveness was adjusted by means of the salary development plan covering many years. In the job-specific raises, emphasis was put on critical occupational groups, such as physicians and nurses working at health stations, physicians working at hospitals, rehabilitation and nursing services, teaching jobs in early childhood education and some jobs in afternoon activities for people with intellectual disabilities. All salaries were also raised through a general raise, in accordance with the national collective agreements.

Towards a concerted governance method for the city

Despite the coronavirus period, the city was also able to advance the strategic projects during last year. One of these was the concerted governance method for the city, which was defined in collaboration between the city executive office, the divisions and the city-owned companies and made part of the methods of operation and trainings. Vision, excitement, consistency and ability to implement were worked out as the four cornerstones of governance. The cornerstones of governance were put into practice by coaching management, which was implemented trough success discussions and quarterly discussions.

Personnel Report 2020

The 2020 Personnel Report provides a comprehensive picture of the city’s personnel and the personnel policy measures that are taken to further a good personnel experience, and thus, the fulfilment of the city strategy.

The Personnel Report will be publsihed in english on this website(Link leads to external service) later this spring. 

Photo: Jussi Hellsten

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