Playgrounds in summer 2022

Playgrounds are playing and meeting places for people of all ages also in summer. In March–April, we asked Helsinki residents for feedback on our plans for playg

Playgrounds are playing and meeting places for people of all ages also in summer. In March–April, we asked Helsinki residents for feedback on our plans for playground opening hours in summer 2022. We received more than 700 responses, based on which we further adjusted the plans. We thank everyone for their input.

In summer 2022, 42 playgrounds in Helsinki will be open in June, 32 in July and 32 in August until school starts.

The decision as to which playgrounds will be open is influenced by the number of visitors in previous years, feedback received and collected, experiences and, for example, playground renovations. The decision is also influenced by good transport connections and activity planning in terms of both schoolchildren’s camps and activities for families with young children.

After two years of COVID-19, wading pools will once again be opened in the playgrounds. The camps, activities and wading pool supervision require staff, and planning is also influenced by staff holidays. More playgrounds will be open this summer than in previous years that were affected by the coronavirus.

The playground summer in Helsinki will start on 6 June 2022. The playgrounds that will be open will also offer summer meals (excluding Playground Loru) and activities for families with young children. As in previous years, some playgrounds will host day camps for schoolchildren. Children of all ages and families are welcome to all open playgrounds. Schoolchildren can spend the day at an open playground, even if there are no day camps. The playgrounds are open on weekdays from 9:00 to 16:00.

The summertime website for the playgrounds is available at On the summertime website, you can find the playgrounds organising day camps along with more detailed registration instructions.

Come and enjoy our playgrounds in summer 2022!