Preparations for municipal engineering construction to start in the border park in Lassila

Construction work to build underground municipal engineering in the border park in Lassila will be starting in the spring. The work is carried out to enable the removal of the open wires in the electrical network in the future.
Työskentelyalue kartalla.
Construction works are situated at the end of Punnuspolku and Kaupinmäenpolku. Photo: Helsingin kaupunki

Approximately 120 metres of water main will be moved in the Lassila border park located at the end of Punnuspolku and Kaupinmäenpolku, after which it is possible to build a route for the 110 kilovolt ground cable of the electrical network in the park area. Once the cable route has been completed and commissioned, the current open wires and their portals, which are part of the electrical network power lines, can be removed in the future. 

The more comprehensive dismantling of open wires will enable the development of the areas in the Western Boulevard City. Furthermore, the restriction on the right of use required by the open wires can be removed from the park and green areas in question.

In order to be able to execute the work, a total of 12 birch trees will be cut down in the park in March. A few of the trees to be cut down have minor damage to the trunk and one suffers from dry rot. After the municipal engineering work is complete, more trees compared to the number of trees cut down will be planted in the immediate vicinity of the trees to be removed.

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